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Welcome to my story. Too tired to write real intro. Everyone except Ink belongs to Disney's Newsies.

Ink was five when they found her. Back then, her name was Edith and she didn't know where she was or how she had gotten there, only that she didn't want to go back to where she had been before. It was small there, and Edith liked big spaces because there were more options. There had been bricks all on either side of her except one, but there were loud people that way and she didn't want to go there, so she sat and played in the dust instead. She didn't look up when she heard footsteps, because, at five, she thought that if you ignored someone, they would ignore you. The footsteps came closer.

"Heya there, little fella'." At a young age, Edith had often been mistaken as male. Her blond hair had been shorter back then and stuck up in tufts. She had a strong brow, but a curved jaw and a soft round face. When she looked up, the boy realized his mistake but didn't take it back. He stood just inside the entrance to the alley, the moon sat atop his head in the sky. He could not have been older than 10, probably 8.

"Hello," Edith said.

"You'se lost?" The boy said, not coming closer, which Edith was grateful for. 

"I don't know."

"What does you'se mean, You don't know." He took a half step closer, but his eyes crinkled with mirth so Edith didn't run.

Edith studied the ground with unnecessary seriously. "I don't know where I am. But I don't want to go back."

The boy nodded, understanding. "Okay, then," he said, "How's about you'se come home with me? Me 'n my pals got space. It's safer than out here." 

The offer was tempting, but five years of being a child had taught her things. "You're a stranger."

The boy grinned. "How's about I tell ya' my name and you tell me you'se's [Only for Jack Kelly will I forgo grammar this way] and then we ain't gonna be strangers anymore."




It checked out. Edith nodded.

"My name is Jack Kelly. And you'se is?"


"Alrighty then, Edith, let's us find you a place to stay."

Looking back on that moment, Ink would call Edith an idiot, because although Jack was younger and very sweet, she still went with him. Which was a little bit stupid. A lot bit stupid. All the way stupid. But, at fourteen years old and having lived with the newsies for nine years, Ink never regretted wrapping her tiny hand around his finger and walking to the lodging house with him.

That was how she found her family.

I never usually write this short. If you can't already tell, these will be short. They're just little things I'm going to do for fun. Hopefully, updates once a week, but I don't trust myself and therefore, you shouldn't trust me.

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