24 - With Echo and All...

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Everyone was gathered in the house, searching the internet for Rene's brother "Update?" Jack asked as he walked into the living room "Nothing yet" Lilith and Hamish replied. Randall shook his head and made a fart noise through his lips. Nessi shook her head "The only way we can find him is if we know where he is" She stated frustratedly. Randall stood up "How do we know that you're telling the truth?" He defended. Nessi folded her arms "Because I love him and he fucking left without me" She informed. Rene closed her laptop and sighed frustratedly "This isn't working!" She let out. Randall sat back down and flicked through his phone. As everyone sat in silence, Rene tapped her fingers on the laptop keys. The sound echoed through the room. She pouted as she was deep in thought. A bright idea struck her head then she let out a gasp which alerted everyone "I have an idea!" She called.

She stood up and walked out of the house and onto the porch. She looked into the woods "He's in there somewhere" She muttered. Randall and Hamish stood on each side of her "How do you know?" Randall asked. Rene shook her head "I don't...but I know where to look first" She announced.

Rene, Hamish and Randall walked into the woods whilst Jack and Lilith watched over Nessi. Rene walked towards the cleared area "This is it" She mumbled. Hamish furrowed "What is what?" He asked. Rene looked behind at Hamish "This was where the ritual was happening" She answered. Randall leaned forward "Here?" He asked as he kicked leaves. Rene, without looking said, "Yep".

She looked in at the tunnels that were still uncovered after the breakage. The bodies were cleared "I still smell the blood" She mentioned. Hamish and Randall smelt the air "I smell it too" Hamish backed up. Rene jumped into the tunnel and looked down both ways "Follow me!" She shouted up towards them. Hamish and Randall looked at each other hesitantly before agreeing blindly.

Jack and Lilith both watched over Nessi like a hawk whilst she fiddled with a bolt. Nessi sighed "You know, I'm not gonna do anything" She claimed. Lilith shrugged "Well, we wouldn't know if you would shoot us in the back with that thing" She announced. Jack nodded and quickly grabbed the crossbow "Just in case..." He finalised before snapping the string. Nessi leaned up "Hey! Now I have to repair that!" She shouted whilst she reached for it. Jack lifted it out of reach "Not until they come back" He stated. Nessi sat back down in a huff.

"Hamish, you go on, I wanna chat to Rene." Randall insisted. Hamish furrowed and stared at Randall "You really want me to walk down there on my own?" He questioned in shock. Randall sighed "No Hamish, I want you to fly down there, yes walk!" He replied. Hamish sighed "Fine" He gave in. Hamish trekked down the tunnel, watching his feet for rats. Randall turned to the now panicked Rene "What's wrong?" She asked. Randall smiled hopelessly "I didn't say it back" He announced. Rene furrowed and moved her head slightly "What?" She asked as she tried to recall what she had said. Randall laughed lightly "I love you" He replied. Rene's eyes widened and the only sound that escaped was "Oh". Randall furrowed and leaned back "Really?" He asked. Rene closed her eyes "Randall...it was the heat of the moment! I thought I was gonna go forever and-" She rambled, but Randall cut her off "And you just said it" He finished. Randall laughed as if he couldn't believe what had just happened. Rene stuttered for words, but Randall leaned back "Don't Rene, I get it" He finalised before walking down the tunnel. She followed shortly behind. They got to Hamish who looked at Randall "You know words travel...with the echo and all" He explained. Randall shook his head "Shut up" He ordered, clearly in a bad mood.

They got back to the house, Rene was the last one to enter. She watched as Randall trotted up to his bedroom without saying a word. Rene put her hand on her forehead and walked into the kitchen. Lilith looked at Hamish confusingly "What happened?" She mouthed. Hamish shook his head and mouthed back "Don't worry, I've got this". He walked into the kitchen and looked at Rene, who was drinking a cup of water. She shook her head "Don't" She commented. He shook his head "I understand...you've only been together for, what? A month?" He questioned. Rene nodded "Yeah, I do like him, but I wasn't ready for the...you know...part yet" She explained. Hamish chuckled lightly and pushed himself off of the wall "I'm sure he'll be fine" He reassured before leaving the kitchen.

Randall had barely talked to her for the rest of the evening. It poked at her every time she saw him, she wanted to say something, but no words came out. Unexpectedly, Grafton bursts through the door "Surprise!" She shouted. He alerted everyone in the house "Who's this fool?" Nessi asked casually. Grafton fixed his jacket "Nice to meet you, I'm Grafton...the good looking one" He put out. Nessi scoffed "Tragic looking more like" She muttered. Grafton leaned in "Sorry, what was that?" He asked. She leaned her head up "Oh, nothing" She replied. Rene tutted and stood up "And that's my cue..." She finalised. As she walked past Grafton, he grabbed her arm gently "Ah, ah, ah" He sang. She stopped and glared at him "Yes?" She questioned. He grinned at her "Me, and you have a date" He announced. Rene leaned forward "What?" She questioned. He pulled out a card which held a date and time "What's this?" She questioned. He pulled the card back off of her "I need you, my love, to help me go undercover for the order...they need help with a certain...group" He informed. Hamish placed his hands on his hips "Are they recruiting every werewolf now?" He questioned. Lilith scoffed "I wouldn't recruit him to look after a pint of orange juice, never mind recruit him into a secret society" She laughed. Grafton gasped "How dare you!" He said, showing that he was not at all phased with what she just said. Randall slowly walked down the stairs "Have fun on the...date" He aimed. Rene kissed her teeth and looked towards the floor. Grafton wrapped his arm around her "We will!" He said excitedly. Rene pushed his arm off "Get off me" She mumbled. She looked at Grafton "I'll come and pick you up" He announced before trotting back outside.

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