20 - Hamish Bit My Finger

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It's been a week since Jessica came to visit and stayed. Jessica strolled into the living room and held out six tickets. Everyone looked at her confusingly "We are all going ice skating!" She exclaimed. Lilith clapped her hands "Although be careful! Rene might show off. She was an ice-skating champion at age seventeen" Jessica informed. Rene buried herself in embarrassment "That was only a year ago" Randall pointed out. Rene stood up "Yeah..." She dragged.

They arrived at the ice rink. Rene put her skates on and Jack was holding onto Hamish for support. Rene skated onto the rink "Give us a few moves!" Jack shouted. Rene winced "I'd rather not" She replied. They all started chanting "Do it! Do it!" In sync. Rene gave in "Fine!" She finalised. Rene picked up speed and lifted her leg into a split whilst travelling across the rink. She jumped, twirled and changed leg. They all clapped and cheered. Rene finished with a fast twirl whilst lifting her leg into the air. She bowed and skated towards the other "And you never told us?" Lilith stated. Rene shrugged "Didn't think it was important" She informed. The others got onto the rink. Jack stepped one foot on and fell backwards. Randall held onto Hamish and Rene zoomed passed them which made them fall over. Lilith was skating by, but very carefully. Jessica already knew how to skate so she was off on her own, laughing at everyone falling over.

Randall caught the gist of it "I'm doing it!" He exclaimed seconds before he hit the ice, causing him to slide metres across. Jack pointed and laughed at him, he himself slammed into the wall guards. Hamish tripped over Randall which made Lilith and Rene wince. Rene skated on one leg "Show off!" Hamish shouted threw a grin. She laughed, jumped and swapped legs. she shrugged and continued. Hamish and Randall staggered to their feet and were determined to take Rene down. They zoomed towards her but she switched direction, they flew into the wall guard, their faces squished against the plastic "Ouch..." Hamish hummed.

Their time was up and they went to the bench to take their shoes off. Suddenly the lights dimmed to nothing. Everyone looked around "Is it closing?" Lilith asked. Jessica furrowed "They should be open for another half an hour" She replied. Rene stood up slowly and stared at the other end of the rink, goosebumps appeared on her skin "We need to go...like now!" Rene warned. Jessica was confused "What's going on?" She asked. Hamish, Jack, Randall and Lilith hurried "Don't worry about it, we just need to leave" Randall answered as he guided Jessica.

Rene stood still "I'll catch up with you guys" She informed without taking her eyes off the other end of the rink. "Don't take long" Lilith commanded. Rene nodded and stood her ground. Her blood felt hot and the hairs on her skin stood tall. Three men appeared from the other end "Where have you been?" They asked. Rene furrowed "Are you with the order?" She asked. The men laughed "No, you mistaken them for us when you first met them...we are completely different" He answered. She furrowed "So...the men that attacked me in the tunnel wasn't in the order?" She answered, and they shook their head. One waved their hand and she was dragged to the middle of the ice rink. She slipped and skidded, but caught her balance. He punched her chest which sent her across the rink, her back hit the wall "Mother fucker!" She shouted.

Everyone waited patiently in the car "What is she doing?!" Jessica questioned. Everyone looked at each other "She's probably finding someone" Hamish answered. Randall gave in to the waiting and opened the door "Where're you going?" Lilith asked. Randall leaned in "I'm gonna go get her" He finalised before closing the door and heading inside.

Rene had knocked out one by the time Randall re-entered the rink. One had grabbed Rene by the neck and pulled her in. Randall spotted the commotion and snuck into the control room. The man was fast asleep, and Randall cut the wires which disabled the cameras. Randall took his clothes off and wolfed up. He charged towards the two men and butchered them. Blood was all over the rink "Shit!" Rene panicked. "We need to go!" Randall panicked. Rene nodded, Randall picked up his clothes, put them on, and they left.

They got back into the car "Right, let's go!" Randall hurried. Jessica looked at Randall "Is that blood on your shirt?" She asked. Rene looked at Randall "Umm...Hamish bit my finger in the rink" He lied. Jessica nodded "Right" She replied. Hamish slowly looked at Randall, but Randall shook his head for him to ignore it.

The next day arrived and Jessica was leaving "Thanks for a great week!" Jessica exclaimed to Rene "You're welcome any time!" She replied. Jessica pulled her into a heartwarming hug "I'll get the rest of your things" Rene offered as she went into the spare room. Randall stood nearby "Oh, come here you!" Jessica invited. Randall smiled and hugged her "You take care of her" She whispered. Randall grinned "I will" he replied. She let go and rubbed his arm. Lilith laughed "Where's mine?" She joked. Jack leaned in "Mine too?" and also Hamish "Mine three?". Jessica laughed "Alright, everyone come here" She offered. They hugged her "As Rene said, you are welcome any time" Hamish repeated.

Everyone stood on the porch as they waved Jessica away. When Rene finished waving, she felt uneasy, the smile faded and she fiddled with her necklace "You alright?" Randall asked. Rene nodded slightly "I'm fine" She lied. Everyone walked back inside, but she stood in place. She stared at the open gate, the grey sky crept in, and the rain kicked in.

She walked inside and fell onto the sofa. She lay down and cradled up into a ball. She fell asleep since the week drained her out. Hours had passed, and Randall woke her up by rubbing on her arm "Rene" He softly spoke. Rene sat up "What time is it?" She asked. Hamish looked at the clock "It's ten-thirty" He replied. Rene shot up "Mom should be home by now" She replied. She looked at her phone and noticed no missed calls or messages. She furrowed, rang her, but went straight to voicemail. Rene looked slowly from her phone "I don't have a good feeling about this" She replied. Randall stood up "We can find her, we'll go to her house" He offered. Rene nodded and got up.

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