Chapter 7: Hidden Manor

Start from the beginning

[ the paragraph]

The Smith Manor was an old Manor in the North of Scotland hidden From the Muggles that lasted from the 16th century to the present. The smiths was a proud family of Hufflepuffs but has had a few other houses now and then. It was said that the Smiths were very powerful and helped Wizarding world. The smiths invented a lot of healing and dueling spells which some are forgotten to this day.
They were very liked in the wizarding world along side the Malfoy's and the Davis's.
Sadly the manor is no longer used as a home, due to mysterious reasons the Smith family vanished and only one remains in the Wizarding world to our knowledge.
[end of paragraph]

While Reading the Paragraph Natalie had to put her head down on the table .
"That explains a few things I guess" Katie says.
"But it's more why now" Natalie mumbled.
"That also explained why ya grandparents are so friendly with the Malfoy's as well" Sophie mentioned.
"My head hurts" Natalie said rubbing her head.
"What made them disappear though" Nicole asked.
"Maybe the spells were too powerful" Natalie said quietly.
"Maybe talk to the Malfoy's" Katie asked.
"No" Nicole and Sophie said in sync witch made a few people shh them.
"They will get suspicious" Sophie said.
"Worth. Shot though" Natalie said.
"Or that man" Sophie said
"I'm going to talk to Dumbledore" Natalie said getting up.
"We will go with you" Katie said.
"Thanks you guys" Natalie said with a warm smile.

Natalie, Sophie , Nicole and Katie were all walking towards Dumbledores office when the Man they were looking for stepped out the office.
"Excuse me sir" Sophie said walking up to the man
"Soph" Katie said.
"What" Sophie said confused.
The man turned to see the children but suddenly walked away.
"SIR" Sophie shouted running after him.
"SOPHIE ARE YOU MAD" Natalie shouted back running after Sophie.
Nicole and Katie decided to go to Dumbledore and ask him some questions while Natalie dealt with Sophie.
"WE JUST WANT TO ASK YOU SOMETHING" Sophie kept shouted.
the man eventually stopped to look at Sophie , he looked behind her to see Natalie out of breath.
"Sorry sir my friend Sophie just can't take a hint" Natalie said dragging her back.
"But" Sophie said.
The man just let out a chuckle "not changed much Natalie" The man said.
"You know me" Natalie said walking closer.
"Yes" The man said.
"Have I met you" Natalie asked but the man never said anything.
"Is your name Ronnie" Sophie let out.
"Soph" Natalie said turning back to Sophie.
"Just asking" Sophie said.
"No" the man said
"I was close to him though" The man said.
"Please sir who are you"
"I need to at least know something" Natalie said in a begging tone.
"Why did you say your name was Ronnie" Natalie said.
"I never said that was my name" The man said.
"Oh come on" Sophie said dragging her body about.
"We got some information" Nicole said running to Sophie and Natalie along with Katie.
"What info" Sophie asked.
"That you sir are linked to the Smiths in some way" Katie said .
"we don't know how though" Nicole said.
Everyone just turned to look at the man.
The man looked at Natalie let out a sigh, he didn't want to but he couldn't just walk away, especially after what her friends did. He then removed his cloak.
Natalie looked at the man confused.
"You have heard of me but never met me" The man said to Natalie.
"Wait a minute" Natalie said looking closer.
"Ed" Natalie said but was cut off.
"Not here, sorry lass but you just have to wait" The man said putting a finger over his mouth.
"You are kidding me , I don't want to wait" Natalie said puffing her cheeks as the man walked away.
"You get that from your gran thats for sure" The man said as he vanished right in front of them. Natalie let out a grown and crossed her arms.
"Your family is something Nat" Sophie Said .
"Tell me about it" Natalie said .
Natalie noticed something in the grass and went to pick it up.
"What is it" Nicole asked.
"Looks like an address of some kind" Natalie mentioned showing them the paper.
"Look here" Nicole says.
( you will get answers soon) was all it said underneath the address.
"Maybe he will send you something" Katie said.
"I don't know how I feel about that" Natalie said unsure of the situation.
"Also who did you think he was" Sophie asked.
"My Grandads brother" Natalie mentioned.
"I've only seen images of him but they looked similar" Natalie says shaking her head a little.
"Miss Davis" A voice said behind them.
Everyone turned around to see Dumbledore asking Natalie to come to his office.
"See you guys" Natalie said.
"Tell us later" Sophie shouted .
"Soph" Nicole said
"You want to as well" Sophie said joking with the others as Natalie left.

The second Natalie got into his office she started asking questions.
"Was that man Edward Smith" Natalie asked.
"You know him" Dumbledore said calmly.
"Sir normally I would be more calm but right now I've seen too much to stay calm" Natalie said apologetically.
"I'm aware Natalie" Dumbledore says.
"All I want to know, is my Grandad alive" Natalie said with a little crack in her voice.
Dumbledore just let out a sigh
"I can't say" Dumbledore says.
"Cant say, but sir" Natalie said
"Trust me Natalie, it is to keep you safe" Dumbledore says.
"You said that before, I know about the manor" Natalie mentions which made Dumbledore shake his head a little.
"He spoke to you didn't he" Dumbledore says.
"The man, not about the manor, just that he knows me" Natalie says now starting to get a little mad.
"Calm down Miss Davis" Dumbledore says.
"Calm down, but sir" Natalie said but Dumbledore interrupted.
"I wish we could but it's too risky" Dumbledore says.
"How so" Natalie asked.
"Both your grandfather's don't see eye to eye" Dumbledore mentioned walking up to Natalie .
"Your fathers side is the opposite of your mothers, if they knew your grandfather still had people who knew him here" Dumbledore mentioned.
"They wouldn't be happy I know" Natalie said looking down to the floor.
"All I will say is that be careful, don't let your father side know too much" Dumbledore said .
"You may leave now" He said walking back to his desk.
"Is he alive" Natalie asked again.
"You will learn soon enough" Dumbledore said.
"And these weird sounds I've been hearing that normal" Natalie asked.
"You also" Dumbledore asked.
"Yes..who else" Natalie questioned.
"You and Harry and more similar than I thought" Dumbledore said to himself.
"What was that sir" Natalie asked.
"I'll talk about it more with you and Harry later" Dumbledore explained.
Natalie just sighed and walked out the office.
As Natalie walked down the halls she started to walk slower and slower Natalie looked Over to see Draco looking at her but she just kept on walking , not giving any emotions, she did so to anyone who went past her. Natalie decided to just go to her room and rest since she didn't have any classes.
She just gave a little wave to Amelia and plumped herself on the bed.
"You ok" Amelia asked softly.
"Will be" Natalie said muffled into her pillow.

Amelia Decided to go and tell the others about the situation and not to ask too many questions.
While walking she seen Harry moaning at Draco again.
"What did you do Potter" Draco shouted.
"I did nothing Malfoy" Harry shouted back.
"Will you two cut it out" Amelia said walking up to them.
Harry just looked away and puffed his cheeks
"How about you then Bright" Draco said.
"One I rather you call me Amelia and two what's this about" Amelia said
Draco was taken back by Amelias tone since Shes normally more quiet.
"We seen Natalie acting weird" Draco said .
"And he thought we did something" Harry interrupted.
"Just leave her be" Amelia said walking past them.
"The less people in her face the better" .
"But" Harry said but Amelia interrupted.
"Harry you know what she's like, leave it" Amelia said heading towards the others.
Harry and Draco just looked at each other and walk opposite ways.
The others let Amelia in on the situation.
"I see" Amelia said putting her hand on her cheek.
"She just went to the common room them" Katie asked.
"Yes, whatever she was told , she will let us know later" Amelia mentioned.
Everyone just nodded in agreement.
Sophie just looked at the image in the book seeing a man by the door of the manor holding a little child.
"Hopefully it will come clear soon for her" Katie says.
"I agree" Sophie says closing the book.

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