52. Special guest-1

Start from the beginning

Lee: "Oh So he didn't want to be abandoned by his dad and Sook too!! He must be so desperate...Now I won't interfere in between them... Let's go down... We are already getting late"

Gulf: "Wow... so you finally cool down!"

Lee: "It's not about cool down honey... It just he was so desperate for love and I can fully understand that feeling... the fear of being abandoned by whom you love is so scary... "

Gulf: "What do you mean you can understand? "

Lee: "Later... Let's go down first"


Should I ask him? What if it is a sensitive matter?... I saw him again he is looking at me!

Min: "Why did you say that you know about Mew? I am just curious... because you told me not to tell him until he confessed that he is the one to whom we are searching about... "

I didn't think this is coming... and ya, I told him not to say anyone that I know about Mew because I want to see What will he do because when I ask him he just wants to be my friend that means he is not ready to tell me... but now...

Gulf:" I don't know what to say When Loy ask me that question... and I don't want to lie... I wish that Mew would not be there but he was... so now we can't do anything..."

Lee: "Then Why you didn't look at him? You should see his reaction... he was so shocked"

Gulf: "That's Why I didn't Min... He is here with Loy which means he cane to know about his dad... It must be so hurtful for him and about Loy too... He must be in so much pain and I am still not ready to see that pain in his eyes... because If I see that the one who broke down will be me not him..."

he holds my hand and caresses like always to comfort me...

Lee: "He will be OK Honey... He needs some time to accept these things... But now He has his brother with him so I know he will be fine... but it takes time because his trust broke... but I can say one thing... he didn't behave like the child he uses his brain to handle the situation... "

Gulf: "Don't tell me that you put bug with him too!!"

Lee: "Ya... but not with him only but also with his dad too... When he told me that he was going to ask his dad... I want to know What he is going to do because I saw his eyes... he was hoping that his dad might not be involved in this... and I was right about his dad... he is such a jerk... he put all blame on Loy and at the same time I came to know about Loy that he was involved in your kidnapping... as you know I won't trust people easily.. so I thought Loy might hurt Mew... So I hire a bodyguard for his safety... I know I am wrong but you were unconscious so I did all the things without informing you... and I am sorry about that but I was just concern about his safety"

Gulf: "Don't need to say sorry... But one min... You said...You care about his safety!!"

Lee: "Whoever is connected to you... they are my concern too so their safety is my important too... so don't think too much"

Gulf: "And Why are they living with us? "

Lee: "He said he and Loy are going to stay with us for a few days... and I know our home is the safest place so I agreed too "

Gulf: "Min, You should stop him to meet me but you are doing the exact opposite!! Why? Don't you care If... I mean If..."

He cups my face with his warm hand... I look at his eyes...

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