Episode 8🐞

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{Scene: Park}
Adrien and Marinette walk to the park. On the way to the park neither
of them tells a thing.Marinette is very nervous of how to act around him
and what to do, because there is no Alya to rescue.

♤Marinette thoughts while walking: Oh man, what do I do? Should I start the conversation? Should I wait till he says something? Do I make a joke? Should I tell something nice about his hair? Maybe ask him if he likes hamsters?Because I love hamsters, but this will be akward.

(They reach a bench in the park and they sit.)

•Adrien: (nervously) So...
•Marinette: (nervously) So?
(Adrien thinks of what to say.)
•Marinette:(clears throat) It´s a lovely day huh? (says akwardly)
•Adrien: Yeah it is.
•Both: I wanted... (they stop)
•Marinette: You go first.
•Adrien: No please you.
•Marinette: (shy) Well in London...you know, when we bumbed into each other,I kind of wanted to ask your name.
•Adrien: Me too.
•Marinette: Really?
•Adrien: Yeah I was really interested in you.
(Marinette gasps and looks at him suprised)
•Adrien: (akward) I mean, I wanted to ask your name too, so you know I could get to know you.
•Marinette: Right,of course what else.
•Adrien: And well, yeah and I kind of forgot, because I had to go back.
•Marinette: (remembers) Oh yes, there was a woman who called you. Was it your mother?

(Adrien´s face change. He looks sad now. He turns his head down and looks on the ground.)

•Adrien: No, she wasn´t my mother. My mother was...or is gone for about three years now.She dissapeared when I was twelve. That was the last time I saw her.

♤Marinette´s thoughts: Oh my, why did I say that?He looks so sad now.

•Marinette: I´m so sorry Adrien. I didn´t mean to make you sad.
•Adrien: No please, don´t be sorry. It´s not your fault. You didn´t know. But for your question that woman is Nathalie. She is my father´s assistant and a part of the family I guess. She is like a mother to me. She always looks out for me unlike my fath...(he suddenly stops talking)
•Marinette:(hesitates a little) Well, that´s actually really sweet of her. For always looking out for you.
•Adrien: Yeah (still looks down)

(Marinette places her hand on his and squeezes it.)

•Marinette: Thank you for sharing this with me, even if we don´t know each other so well.
•Adrien: (looks at her) I just had a feeling that I can trust you(smiles).

(They´re both silent. Marinette realizes that her hand is still on his, so she takes it back with a quick movement.
•Marinette: (embarassed) Oh I´m sorry.
•Adrien: (smiles) It´s fine. So, would you like some...
•Person: Heyyyyyyy.

(As Adrien is about to ask Marinette a question they both hear a man shouting. As they turn their heads around to see where the noises are coming from, they see two men around some old aged poor man threating him.)

{Scene: Park( Lair of the two men and the poor old man)}
The two men have pushed the poor old man to the ground. They´re
threaten him and ask for his money.

•First man: (shouting) Give me your money. Now.
•Old man: (saying in a trembling voice) I only have these.Take it.
•Second man: Don´t you dare lie to us. There is definetely more.
•Old man: No I swear, that´s what I only have.

(Marinette and Adrien are watching from across the park what´s happening.
Marinette couldn´t just stand there and do nothing. Besides that´s what
Marinette does better, helping people who are in need.)

•Marinette: (she stands up) Let´s help him.
•Adrien: But it could be dangerous.
•Marinette: We can´t just sit and do nothing. The poor man needs us.
•Adrien: (sure) You are right. Come on. (they both run to help)
•Adrien: How shamefull.That´s not very nice of you two. Leave him alone.
•Marinette: (mad) Now.
•Second man: (laughs) Look at that. Two little kids trying to help. Just go away.
•Marinette: (mad) No.
•Second man: (gets closer to her) Listen here little girl. Just take yourself and your little friend and run before it´s to late and I regret it.
•Marinette: (calm) It´s not to late to make the right choice.Leave this poor
man alone and go away. There will be no trouble.
•First man: Why should we listen to you huh?
•Adrien:(playfull) Because I´m sure you wouldn´t like to get in trouble with the police.
(Both men laugh)
(Marinette and Adrien look at each other with both their hands crossed.
They smile and nod with the head.)

•Marinette: (calls the police officer that was actually a few meters behind of the two men) Mr. Roger? Sir?
(The two men turn around.Mr. Roger, the policeofficer who actually happened to be there at the exact moment sees the two men)

•First man: (shocked) Oh, hey let´s get out of here. (starts running)
•Second man: (starts following him) Dude, I didn´t know there was a
police officer behind us the whole time.

(Marinette and Adrien grab the old man from the ground and help him
stand up.)

•Old man: Thank you young lady, thank you young man.


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