Ch. 13

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   Finally the moment I've been waiting for, the Hall of Justice. I've been nervous all morning, Bruce suggested me to make something yesterday so that I'll be less nervous with the compliments. I decided to make a cookies since its unlimited unlike cake that people need to eat a big piece so that what makes it run out quickly, but I still don't figure it out yet which flavor should I make. Let's see, we're talking about mentors and their proteges, it should match their taste.
   Throughout a lot of taught and looking at the ingredients, I decided to make butter cookies. About one and a half later it's done-the smells of the butter and the vanilla makes me wanna eat it now but I try to restraint.
   "The smells good Alisa." Dick said.
   "Thank you. Do you think they'll love it?"
   "Of course! Everything you made is delicious to me so that shouldn't be a problem."
   "I hope so. By the way, when do we depart?"
   "Bruce said it's at 11 am."
   After many hours of tidying the kitchen, place all of the cookies, take a bath, and choose a proper clothes, I'm all set. Bruce said we're going by Batmobile, not only I'm about to go to Hall of Justice, I also have a chance to ride a Batmobile for the first time.
   "Did you bring the cookies Alisa?" Bruce asked.
   "Here. I have it in my hand."
   "Put it next to you since its heavy and your arms won't become sore."
Finally the Batmobile is on and our trip is started. As far as I know, the Hall of Justice located in Washington D.C. According to my knowledge, the distance between Gotham city and Washington D.C. is quite far, I guess this could be a long trip. I ended up doze off after half an hour and eventually sleep.
   "Alisa, we've arrived." Bruce said.
   "Huh, really?! Sorry I ended sleeping on the journey."
   "It's okay now. Don't forget the cookies."
   I got out of the car and I am amazed by the front look of the Hall of Justice—financed by Batman himself and build from scratch by Superman, truly, there's no other building that can compete this magnificent headquarter. When we were about to go in, I saw a yellow and red silhouette, coming towards us faster.
   "Hey Robin! How's it going? Oh you bought a cookies for me? Thank you! Who is this kid?"
   "Cut it out KF! You're scaring her!" Robin immediately stopped him. It's actually Kid Flash, I almost thought that was Flash. I almost got dizzy when I'm try to follow his conversation while he's running super fast, luckily I caught the last sentence.
   "Pleased to meet you. I am Alisa Carlyle, I lived with Batman and Robin."
   "Hey there! Wally West a.k.a. Kid Flash, may I have your hand?" Without hesitation, I gave him my right hand, he grabbed it and kiss it. Oh my, this is my first time in my life someone did this to me.
   "What the heck kid! Let her go!" Suddenly Flash showed up, smacked Kid Flash's head from the back. "I'm so sorry Alisa, he seems childish but he's a nice."
   "Hahaha, it's okay Flash." I look at my back for a second, I can see the menacing and intimidating glares from Batman and Robin towards Kid Flash.  "Next time," Batman said, "control him, Flash."
   "Haha, my bad Batman. I shouldn't take my eyes of him." Then all of us continue to walk through the Hall of Justice. As soon as we entered, stood right in front of me-the statues of Justice League's main members. Right and left, up and down, the exhibition seems endless-the top villain list, weapons, and even super vehicles.
   "Where are we heading Batman?" I asked.
   "We're heading to the main conference room. You wait there while I attend meeting with the others at the meeting room." When we're almost there, I saw Green Arrow, waiting in front of the elevator, with Speedy, his partner.
   "Batman. Never gonna thought that you be late."
   "Green Arrow. You know Gotham and D.C. is too far."
   "Hahaha, that's not the Batman I knew." For a moment Green Arrow suddenly glanced towards me. "Hello. Who might you be?"
   "This is my daughter, Alisa Carlyle. I took her in not long ago."
   "Hello there Alisa. The name's Green Arrow."
   "Yes, nice to meet you Green Arrow."
   "Nice to meet you too. Oh right, this is my partner, Speedy. Say hi to her Speedy!" He seemed reluctant to say hi to me, for a moment I saw him glaring at me for a while, even before Green Arrow greets Batman. "Speedy, don't leave her hanging!"
   "It's okay, Green Arrow," I said, "he don't have to if he don't want to."
   "You're too kind. Come on Speedy! You're being impolite to her!"
   "Fine!" After Green Arrow persuade him, finally he spoke. "I'm Speedy." "It's Alisa Carlyle, pleased to meet you." After our brief introduction, all of us start going into the elevator, although it's a little bit packed with the adults, I still can manage to fit in this elevator. For a moment, I saw Speedy glaring at me, again. I'm sure this is the first time we met, but is he keep glaring at me? Does he hate me or what? A moment later, we've arrived at the monitoring room, more superheroes are gathered at this place, I saw another superhero with his partner—Aquaman and his trusted partner, Garth a.k.a. Aqualad. While I was looking around, Superman and Wonder Woman already prepare to announce something. "Since everybody is here, we can start the meeting now." Superman said.
   "You wait here okay." Batman said to me, "Robin, keep an eye on her!"
   "Sure thing. Come Alisa, you can sit with us." Robin lead me to the seats where Kid Flash, Speedy, and Aqualad is. "Oh yeah Alisa, this is Aqualad, Aquaman's partner."
    "Aqualad. Nice to meet you."
   "Alisa. Nice to meet you too."
   "Alisa, what a beautiful name."
   "Oh, thank you."
   "Alright guys," Kid Flash said suddenly, "let's enjoy tea time!"

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