Ch. 28

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   Some times later, I still haven't decided which one should I wear for the Gala. Both the dress is perfect, I feel guilty not to wear both, but there's still other times. The next day, when I'm entering the school, usually Lucas would smile at me and waving, but he's nowhere to be seen. "Good morning, class! Before I forget, Lucas is absent today, his parents called that he's sick." That's unusual for him to be sick, I know he's always been cheerful and healthy kid even though he's not the athletic-type person.

   Few hours later, the break finally comes. "Alisa!" Anna called right after the bell rang. "Are you planning on visiting Lucas?" "Yeah, actually. Some teachers gave me the materials for him and asked me to deliver him." Can I come?" "Sure Anna." "Can we come too?" The Stone twins asked. "Why not? The more, the merrier. Besides, I'll be question by Lucas's mother if I go alone, I don't want that to happen." It's okay, Alisa," Anna said, "we got your back." "Thanks a bunch, guys."

   After the long hours of classes, the school finally comes to an end. I already called Alfred to pick me up at Kingston's residence, we going to Lucas's house by Stone twins car. Our first stop is to Uncle Anna's Cafe to get some goodies for Lucas and after that, we finally go to our destination. When the driver is looking for a parking spot, we can see a bunch of cars, which I know they're not belong to Kingston's Residence, because we can see other children from different classes are visiting.

   "Lucas sure has a lot of friends that we don't know," Anna said. "Of course," Alina said, "as expected from the CEO of Kingston Enterprises son and heir of Kingston Enterprises. He may be also has a friend outside the school." "There's no doubt to that," I said, "but why such a distinguish person like him went to a public school instead of private school? You know, private school is more like him so that he can study more diligent and become more serious." "My dad once told me that he wanna go to public school instead of private school. It's because he wanted to know what it feels like to go to private school, so he and his father made a deal—he will go to public school but elementary only and afterwards, he must go to the private school."

   "Wow, he really has a tough job to do." I said. Now that I think of it, the reasons why everyone, even the teachers are admiring him it's because of his status, I wonder of one of them actually a 'real' friend. After the driver parked, we get off from car and we can see from outside that the lobby is packed with other people that some not belong to our school.

   "Geez!" Aysha said. "Is Lucas really sick? Because the vibe is more like a birthday party that rich people will attend." "Tell me about it," I said, "where all these people coming from anyway?" We look for Lucas parents and they seems been talking to other parents I presumed, but as Mrs. Kingston and I make an eye contact, she excuse herself with her husband and came to us.

   "Oh my, Alisa, it's been a while, how are you doing?" Ask Mrs. Kingston. "I'm doing fine, thank you for asking. Anyways, what's all this commotions about?" "Oh, please don't mind them," Mr. Kingston said, "they're just Lucas's friend from cram school and the Gala. Please follow the butler here, he will guide you to Lucas's room." The butler then lead us to Lucas's room, we can see bunch of people come and go to see Lucas. I wonder... is he feel comfortable or the opposite for any of these?

   "Young master Lucas, your friend from school has come to visit you." I took a peek at his room, his face look tired and gloomy, even if he's still chatting with his other friend, after the butler announced our arrival, his face become brighter as if he's happy to see us again. "Let them in!"

   "Alisa! You guys! I can't believe you've made it!" Then Lucas signalling the butler to leave us alone. "Well...we wouldn't be here because our teacher gave us a task to send this assignment." Aysha said. "Here you go," I said while I'm hand over the assignment, "plus a dessert from cafe." "Thank you guys! By the way Alisa, come here for a sec." I lean over for a bit and he then whisper, "are you coming to the Gala?" "I'm sure to come, but if you asking me if I'm gonna wear the dress that you sent, no, because I'm gonna wear the dress from my brother instead."

   I see his face is a bit down as if he disappointed, and then I lean back to him. "But I can promise you I will wear it for the next Gala." As soon as I let those words out, his face become brighter again but not as bright as last time. "Promise me, Alisa!" Few minutes later, one of the butler just knocking on the door and told Lucas that he have another guests. "Looks like another guests coming. I think we better go." "What?! You guys leaving?" Lucas said. "Well, yeah... we don't wanna bother you since you're sick right now." Although he don't want us to leave, he reluctantly say goodbye to us and another guests just coming as soon as we leaving.

   An hour later, I finally arrive at the mansion. As usual, Bruce is not welcome me since he's probably busy, I just straight go to take a bath. Few minutes later after a bath, I lay my body onto the bed and rest for few minutes. "Are you always this lazy?!" A voice suddenly come out and made me startled. I look around and it was Deadman. "Deadman?! What are you doing? Looking for Batman again?" I asked. "No, I'm here to tell you something." "What?" "Jason Blood would like to see you." "What? Jason Blood? You mean the alter ego of Etrigan?" "Yup, that's the one!" "Why is he looking for me?"

   "He said he wanted to see you in person."
   "Okay... when?"
   "Tomorrow?! I have to attend Gala tomorrow!"
   "He said to meet you there."
   "Wait, at the Gala? Seriously?! How did he even know that I'll be in Gala!"
   "Hey, I'm just here to deliver a message. Please don't get mad at me!" "Fine, but you have to guide me tomorrow because although I know him from my world, he might be different from this universe!" "Deal!" He then vanished out of nowhere. Seriously, I've been here for few years and I already attracted certain people whom I wish to meet later.


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