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6 years later ,

At Shen Mansion ,

Zhao Yunlan was preparing breakfast for his hubby and kids . He prepared the last dish .... Pancakes and switched off the oven .

He quickly served the dishes on the dining table . He prepared pancakes , strawberry milkshakes for the breakfast . Yunlan then removed his cooking apron and went back to their room .

Shen Wei was busy in checking exam papers of his University students . Yunlan came infront of him and started to pressing on Wei ' s shoulders and said .....

" Honey ! Haven't you finished , yet ? "

" Breakfast is ready . "

Shen Wei completed checking the last paper and put down his pen and pulled Yunlan on his lap and pressed his lip on Yunlan's lip and kept kissing him for few minutes . After pulling away , Wei said .....

" I'm done , Cutie .... Let's go ! " .....

And came at the dining room . Wei asked ..... " Where are our lil flowers ? "

" Dad .... Mom ..... We are here ! " .... Replied lil ' Yuyu and lil ' Yiming , smiling happily . Shen Wei pulled Yuyu and Yiming closer and started to showering kisses on their cute little cheeks and faces .

Yuyu said .... " Mom ..... I want honey on my pancake ! " .... Yunlan smiled and said .... " I know , Baby . " Yiming smiled and said ...... " But .... Mom .... I want maple syrup on my pancake . " Yunlan smiled and said .....

" Mom .... Already knows what everyone wants ! "

" Now let's us eat ! "

Shen Wei smiled at his kids and said .... " Cause Mama Yunlan is the best . " And kissed on Yunlan's cheeks . Yuyu and Yiming started to smiling happily .... " Yes .... Yes .... Our Mom is the best ! "

Shen Wei then sat on the chair and lil Yuyu sat on his lap and lil Yiming sat on Yunlan's lap and four of them started to eating their breakfast . Shen Wei started to feeding Yuyu and Yunlan started to feeding Yiming .

At Luo Mansion ,

Lil Wuxie was running around the house and Yuan was running behind him to catch his naughty lil ' boy . Mr . Luo tried to catch his grandson but failed .

" Stop ! ..... I say .... Stop ! ..... "

" Stop Wuxie ! " ..... Shouted Yuan .

" Hahaha .... Mommy .... Can't catch me ! " ..... Said Wuxie in his baby voice .

Luo Fusheng suddenly came infront of Wuxie and caught him and put him up in his arm .

" Oh ! No .... Wuxie .... Got caught by Daddy ! " ..... Sadly said Lil ' Wuxie . Fusheng kissed on his cheeks and said .... " You are just like your Mommy ! "

" Very naughty but cute ! " .... And gave back Wuxie to Yuan . Yuan rolled his eyes at Fusheng ' s words . Wuxie giggle happily on his Daddy ' s words .

After 6 months ,

After 6 months ,

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