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Now the situation was that Lu Yao was standing between his boyfriend Qiao Chusheng and his best friend Luo Fusheng . Trying to stop both of them for fighting with each other at  any moment .

But both of them were avoiding what ever Lu Yao was saying to them .

Lu Yao hold Qiao Chusheng hands and said ...... " Calm down Babe ! Please calm down ! "

" Told your friend to calm down ! " ..... Replied Qiao Chusheng .

" Okay ....  Okay ..... I am telling .... " ....

.... " But you please calm down ! " ...

" Hey ! What do you mean by regret for lifetime ? " ...... Asked Luo Fusheng .

" What I mean is ? " .....

" Don't you dare to hurt my Yao ! " ....

" You know what have your mate done to me ? " ......

...... " What ever he does ! I don't care . But you can't harm my Yao ! " ....

...... "  Ugh ! So much love . " .....

Qiao Chusheng then looked at Lu Yao and said ..... " Babe , now you don't have to live with your friend ' s house anymore . I will buy a new house for you to live . "

Lu Yao smiled with tear filled eyes ..... " Thanks Babe ......  I love you ...... But ? ....."

" I love you too . " ..... Replied Qiao Chusheng and pressed his lips on Lu Yao ' s  forehead  and asked ..... " But what ? "

Lu Yao then went infront of Luo Fusheng while crying .

" But I can't live at your house while I am feeling guilty for my mistake to my bestest friend ! " ......

Luo Fusheng wanted to be angry on his best friend Lu Yao but can't.... As he can't see tears in his bestest friend ' s eyes .

Luo Fusheng pulled Lu Yao into his embrace and hugged him tightly and said .....

..... " Why I can't be angry at you for long ? " .....

Lu Yao also hugged back tightly .

..... " Cause I am the best ! " ..... While smiling happily .

" Again being smug ! " ....

" Can't help ! ..... But I am really very happy that you forgiven me . "

" Cause I am the best '  friend  ' .... One could ask for ! " ......

...... " Now you are being smug ! "

...... " Now I can't help ! " ..... Replied Luo Fusheng while laughing .

While still hugging , Luo Fusheng said .....

" As you put me in this mess ! Now you have to help me to get my real mate Zhang Yuan and to make Shen Wei my friend ! " ......

..... " Okay ...... I will help you ! Deal ! .....

Luo Fusheng tightly hugged Lu Yao .

" Now that's like my bestest friend . " Both of them hugged each other tightly and started to laughing happily .

Qiao Chusheng started to feeling jealous as his Omega is smiling and hugging some one else . So he coughed behind them . Lu Yao understood his Alpha ' s signal and broke the hug .

Qiao Chusheng then pulled Lu Yao at his side and started to walking out from Luo Mansion .

Luo Fusheng asked ..... " Hey ! Chusheng ! Where are you going with Yao ? " .....

..... " Don't worry . He will return within few hours . " .....

Lu Yao smiled and nodded his head . Qiao Chusheng winked at Luo Fusheng and said ......

..... " Want nephew or niece ? " ..... And went away on his motorcycle with Lu Yao .

Luo Fusheng smiled and said ..... " Those two ! First caused me problem .... Now having fun with each other . "

Luo Fusheng returned to Mr . Luo ' s study room .

" So what happened Fusheng ? Why were you running behind your friend? " ..... Asked Mr . Luo .

" Nothing Dad ! Just a little misunderstanding . Now it's okay . " ..... Replied Luo Fusheng .

" I hope really it's okay . How is your relationship is going with Zhang Yuan ? " .....

..... " Oh ! Dad ..... You are being too impatient . Now we are friends only . " .....

...... " Fusheng , make him yours quickly . " .....

...... " Okay Dad . " ..... " Now I am going . Bye ! " ..... Luo Fusheng waved at his Dad and returned to his room .

Luo Fusheng laid down on his bed and started to thinking about the whole incident .

" Actually it is great that my mate is Zhang Yuan ! ..... "......

...... " I really like him .... He is so cute ...... His smile is so sweet and his eyes are so warm . " ......

" It is good but now the main problem will be Shen Wei ! How will I befriend with him now ? " ......

Luo Fusheng thought after so many shameful act and bad mouthing Shen Wei so much how will he befriend Shen Wei now ? Will Shen Wei accept him as his friend ?

" Whatever happens ! We will see . First Lu Yao comes back . Then we will make a perfect plan to make Zhang Yuan mine and to make Shen Wei my friend . " .....

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