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DISCLAIMER:  – see previous chapter –

SUMMARY: – see previous chapter –

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KENZI WAS WORRIED ABOUT BO AND concerned about these ‘visitors’ Tamsin and Lauren mentioned in their text. They sounded like they meant business. And why would they beat up Dyson like that? Are they friends or are they foe?

            Kenzi left the mansion to talk a walk down the beach to think. Her fighting with Derek at breakfast got her mind off the S.O.S. she received from her friends back home, but only for a little bit. She knew talking to Derek about what was bothering her would be futile; the man doesn’t give a damn about anything! He was just after keeping her safe as per Dyson’s request when he asked his old friend to accompany her here. So she took off for a walk down the beach before lunch.

            A part of her wanted to hop on the next flight back home and be by Bo’s side. Another part of her, the part that told her to leave the Fae world behind and start living her human life, told her to stay put and let the others deal with those people.

            Kenzi was too lost in her thoughts she was unaware of her surroundings or how far off their stretch of private beach she’d gone to.  She was nearing the edge of the beach where jaggedy rocks started to form and the water on this part of the beach was crashing harder the rocks, but Kenzi was oblivious to the danger she was walking in to. Her mind was busy trying to come to terms on whether to fly back to North America or ignore Dyson and Tamsin’s summons to return back and help Bo.

            “Watch out!” Derek called out the warming before grabbing an oblivious Kenzi out of harm’s way just as a pair of sharp shuriken whooshed past their heads.

            “What the hell was that?” Kenzi asked after she regained a bit of her composure. She was about to get up but Derek firmly held her down and underneath him. She was surprised at his takeover demeanor; a side of him she didn’t think existed considering the past few weeks they’d been cooped up together he appeared more lenient and easy-going to anything and everything she said.

            “Stay down,” he told her, craning his neck around, his eyes squinted as he surveyed the area. From where Kenzi lay flat on her back on the sand, looking up at Derek reminded her of someone she knew when hunting for their prey. He seemed way too feral all of sudden and dangerous.

            “Who’s attacking us?” she whispered, panic mode kicking in and she needed to get up and run back to the safety of the mansion.

            Derek paused from surveying the area and looked down at the woman he just saved from being used as target practice by ninja assassins or whatever the hell was after her.

            “Not us, Kenz. Those shuriken were meant for you,” he deadpanned.

#     #     #     #     #

WHOA, WHOA, WHOA, WHOA!” Kenzi stopped her dramatic back and forth pacing out on the veranda located on the western side of the mansion that was still overlooking the ocean, but this one wasn’t set on the bluff unlike where the gazebo was where they often had their breakfast, and slowly pivoted to face the man who came running out of nowhere and tackled her down to the sand, saving her from having two stainless steel shuriken embedded on her forehead or God knows where the assailant aimed to hit her with those. “First of all, I already removed myself from the Fae world, and as far as I know, whoever I owed during my scamming days, I already settled the books. And I highly doubt anyone of those подонок[1] have enough money to hire an assassin – ninja or otherwise,” she argued.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2015 ⏰

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