~Always my (your) Kid~

Start from the beginning

"Why?" Virat asked softly blowing air over Rah's knuckles.

Rahul continued glaring at the floor.

"Dev bring the first aid box, kid" Virat ordered,sighing, as he held on Rahul's bruised hand while Rahul tried to snatch his hand away from Virat. Why did he get such stubborn, sour, poker faced kids?

Nodding, both Dev and Washy jumped off the bed and went to search the first aid kid. And Virat turned back to Rahul expectantly.

"What happened, Rahuliya?" Virat asked Rahul softly and Rahul felt his resolve crumbling just like that, this stupid, obnoxious, untastefull nickname had quite become his weak spot. He couldn't, just couldn't hold out when that stupid name comes out to play. Not at all, when Virat is the one using it looking so concerned.

"I hate Monku," Rahul stated matter of factly, glaring at Virat's door with ire of the whole world combined.

"No, you don't," Virat wanted to tell his stupid kiddo but thought better of it. He didn't want his Rahuliya to turn into a scowliya and sulk while shooting him "Et tu, Brute" looks. So, Virat stayed silent, knowing, Rahul will inform him the reason of his hate quite soon himself. He knows his kids best, after all.

"He didn't let him punch them. He didn't let me shout and give them a piece of my mind. He didn't let me stand up for you. They were so wrong. I hate them. I hate him. I don't want to go back take me with you," Rahul said childishly, wallowing in his misery. He was so angry with his team right now, unreasonable people, just meet him when he is in Indian blues. He'll give all of them a lesson, they won't ever forget.

"Why did you want to punch them? and what made you think you should stand up for me?" Virat asked Rahul smiling softly. The miserable child like look on Rahul's face reminded Virat of the 21-year-old Rahul, he took under his wings. His sulky miserable kid carrying the burden of world's words on his shoulder.

"They were badmouthing you," Rahul exclaimed with wide despair filled eyes looking like bad mouthing Virat was the greatest crime in the whole world, in Rahul's book it absolutely was but it didn't matter much to Virat. Virat was used to people hating him.

In Virat's book, Mayank did the right thing stopping Rahul. It wouldn't be good if Rahul fought with his teammates over him and who was he really? Just the opposite team's captain, badmouthing him, after their victory was acceptable. But their captain punching them for him, not at all,so, in Virat's book Mayank did the right thing.

Mayank was looking after Rahul like always. Virat knew. Virat knew how much Rahul mattered to Mayank. He had seen Mayank looking at Rahul with hawkish attention during the matches. Ignoring their jokes and even when Virat nudged Mayank with his bat. Mayank ignored him and concentrated on Rahul on the crease with similar dedication. Mayank was right Virat knew but he won't tell that to Rahul now. He valued his life, thank you very much. His dearest scowliya will kill him if he disagreed with him on this.

"What were they speaking?" Virat asked Rahul instead. Well, it's not like he was going to hit them or something. He just wanted to know what they said to push Rahul in a state of such frenzy.

Rahul looked so sad, his eyes full of despair and agony. He glared at the door again as if it was the root cause of all of his misery.

"Rahuliyaaaa," Virat spoke gently yet firmly.

Rahul huffed irritably. The govt. should ban this nickname or something.

"They said you're a bad Captain. They were laughing at you," Rahul scowled darkly trying to set things on fire with his gaze.

"And," Virat asked looking somewhat amused with Rahul's expressions. Virat had admitted to himself a very-very long ago. He was a bad captain

"I stormed away from there," Rahul shrugged, his words undermining his exit. He had stood up abruptly and totally unexpectedly, shooting withering glares at everyone present in the team room. He had stormed out turning a deaf ear to everyone calling him, banged the door close with more force than necessary and then punched a wall somewhere on his way.

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