The first date (Chaper 7)

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(Trigger warning! (Eating disorders)

Draco and Harry were both very excited for The date. The week felt never-ending, it went by so slowly. But, Draco got through it by planning.

He was planning to wear his black suit, though he knew Harry would try his best to look good, he did have a better sense of fashion compared to Potter.

He was also planning to sneak some snacks from the kitchen and bring them to the astronomy tower, to have a 'picnic.' He didn't plan on taking too much, probably just a handfull of sweets, considering the time (8 o'clock) He also noticed Harry didn't tend to eat a lot, so he hoped that if he got him sweets, he'd eat.

Like planned, he snuck some trickle tarts, pudding, and some cakes from the kitchen, and then made his way up to the astronomy tower.

He walked up the stairs to see Harry leaned against the railing looking up at the sky, when he heard Draco come up the stairs he turned around and smiled.

"Hey, I brought some snacks."

"Aw fun, do you at least have trickle tarts?" Harry asked

"Yes, I know they're your favouite. I may or may not have stolen them from the kitchen though-" He laughed

Draco stood beside Harry "Beautiful isn't it?" Draco asked

"Yeah," Harry smiled

"I've always found starts facinating, they're very beautiful, and the signs are interesting," Draco explained "See that?" Draco pointed "Thats Gamma Draconis, That's how I got my name." He smiled to himself, looking to the side seeing Harry watching him "What are you looking at Potter?" He spat sarcasticlly.

"Your beautiful face" Harry smiled

"You're cheesy" Draco laughed

"I know, I know, but it's fun watching you explain something you enjoy." He smiled

"Here," Draco handed Harry a trickle tart "Thanks" Harry smiled and took a small bite, and when I say small, I mean small.

"C'mon Harry, I know you. I see that you don't eat a lot, I see that you're slim, please eat. I even stole trickle tarts for you!" Draco said eagerly

Harry smiled sadly "You noticed did you?"

"I had a massive crush on you Potter, I would always stare during classes and meals yes I noticed" Draco gave him a side-eye and Harry gave a nervous laugh

"Fine, I'll eat." Harry gave in

"I have a question-" Draco started "Why don't you eat?" He asked

"I- Well, I just- after the war, I got into habbits of not eating- I just didn't feel the need to," Harry said

"And you're not lying?" Draco asked

"Well- I'm not completly lying. I just-"

"It's okay take your time- I mean I can tell you something if you want... I dreaded the idea of coming back here but I knew that things would only be worse if I was still being an asshole to you, so I apologized, and thankfully you excepted my apology. This summer I starved myself, I know, I know I was already slim, but it wasn't for my body image, It was because I didn't feel like I deserved pleasure, like eating. But when I came back to school, I tried again, and when I knew you wanted to actually be my 'friend' I was Happy, I started eating again and I just- I guess I should thank you." Draco smiled

"I- merlin don't make me cry-" Harry said tearing up

Draco whiped a tear off of Harry's eye and placed a small kiss on his lips

"I love you." Draco whispered, smiling.

"I love you too," Harry said, smiling back.

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