We aren't just friends (Chapter 5)

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Draco woke up the next morning in a bed covered with red sheets. He groggily turned around to see Harry Potter laying beside him "Holy shit it wasn't a dream" Draco whispered.

Harry's eyes fluttered open and he stretched, he slowly opened his eyes to see a blurry figure "huh?" Harry turned and grabbed his glasses off his side table "Draco?" Harry asked blinking as he saw the Slytherin beside him.

Draco grabbed a handful of sheets and covered his legs "Yeah.." 

"Oh shit, you're still naked. Wait- did we actually do that last night?" Harry asked rubbing his pounding head

"Well, I'm naked in your bed right now so yes, we did actually do that last night."

"Oh shit, I-" Harry wasn't sure what to say

Daco grabbed his hand about to speak before Harry interrupted  "What are we?" Harry asked Draco

"Well, based off of what we said and did last night we aren't just friends," Draco said, which made Harry chuckle a bit

"Well, I didn't wanna 'just be friends' anyway," Harry said

"Do you regret last night?" Draco asked

"Well, we were drunk and tired, it wasn't the best idea but I don't regret it. We were able to show each other how we feel." Harry said, and Draco smiled "Do you regret it Draco?" Harry asked

"No." Draco said

"Simple answer," Harry said with a chuckle

"I got a damn blowjob from Harry Potter of course I don't regret it!" Draco laughed, making Harry laugh too.

"We should probably head to breakfast-" Harry spoke

"What happens if they see us?" Draco asked

"I'm sure they already know. We didn't come back in, and you didn't go back to Slytherin dorms last night. Also I'm sure Pansy knows of your crush on me?" Harry said

"Yeah.." Draco slowly said

"Don't worry- C'mon let's get dressed"

The boys got dressed and walked down to breakfast together. They walked into the great hall but just before they split up Harry spoke: "Meet after class?" 

"Where?" Draco asked

"Room of Requirement" 

"See you later Potter" Draco winked, Harry waved and they split and sat down at their tables

(Dracos side)

"Did you do it?!?" Pansy asked

"What do you mean my 'it' Pans that could be a lot of things" Draco smirked

"Shut up! you know what I mean! Did you sleep with Potter last night?!" Pansy asked quietly

"As a matter of fact I did, and it was amazing," Draco said

"I think he think so too" Pansy said and signaled to Draco with her eyes to look at him.

Sure enough, Harry was starring at him, smiling.

"Gross, I smell the love from here!" Pansy spoke

"Shut up!" Draco cried


(Harry's side)

Harry sat down at the table and was suddenly harassed by the other Gryffindors with questions about last night and Draco "Shut up- I slept wit him yeah- now that's enough" Harry said annoyed.

Everyone just sat back down and ate their meal, Harry ate slowly but couldn't help but look up at Draco and smile as he talked with Pansy. 

"Harry, I think he sees you" Hermione spoke from beside him

Harry blushed and looked down at his plate, and continued eating.

"Love birds" Hermione sang

"Blimey, Hermione it's been one day!"

"And? I can sense it already" Hermione said, nose deep into her book

"Oh yeah?" Harry asked


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