Truce (Chapter 2)

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Draco woke up the next morning happy, he got his clothes on and went to breakfast.

Draco walked down the corridors, familiar faces watched as he happily walked by them. Most were confused because past years he had been so sad and depressed. But the war was done, he could have a chance to a friendship with Harry and his horrid father was locked in Azkaban.

He walked into the great hall and sat down beside Pansy, grabbing some food.

"Someone's happy!" Said Pansy as Draco sat down

"Yes, I slept very well last night. I'm going to talk to Harry my free period before classes." Draco told Pansy.

"So you've got a plan?" Pansy asked with a smirk

"Well, I'm not one hundred percent sure what I'm going to say but yeah-" Draco said slowly

"Well, apologize for anything that you've done in the past, ask him to trust you, and lastly ask for him to be your friend" Pansy explained

Draco nodded in response and ate his food.

Draco couldn't help but look up at the boy-who-lived and smile when he saw he was starring at him.


"Pottah!" Draco called to Harry as he walked with his friends out of the Great hall

Harry turned around and couldn't help but smile when he saw Draco "Hey, how can I help you Malfoy?" Harry asked

"Hey, can we talk for a sec?" Draco asked nervously "alone." he finished

"Er- yeah sure"

Hermione smirks and pulls Ron with her away to the library.

"So...What's up?" Harry asked.

"So, er- I just wanted to uhm, apologize for being so rude to you- and uh-" Harry put a hand on Draco's shoulder to stop him because he knew he was stressed and spoke "Hey, it's okay. I mean- I wasn't very nice to you either." They both laughed

"Well, I wanted to ask for a... I guess 'truce?' that we will be better to each other. I want you to know you can trust me, for real" Draco finished

Harry smiled "Yeah of course, and thank you for the apology I appreciate it"

Draco smiled, trying not to squeal "Thank you, and your welcome"

"I'll c'ya round Draco"

"Bye Harry"

"Oh!-" Harry turned back around "There's a party for 8th years as a welcome back, Saturday night, 10 PM don't get caught. It's in the ROR"

"Sounds fun! I'll be there" Draco said



Harry waved and walked away, leaving Draco alone he pretty much squealed like a little fanboy meeting his idle.

"Judging by the squeal and your face, I assume it went well?" Pansy said from behind him

"Oh, Pansy it went amazing!" Draco said in awe

"Okay drama queen time for class- tell me on the way"


(Not Harrys POV just his side)

Harry waved and said goodbye to Draco, headed to meet back up with his friends

"What was that all about?" Ron asked

"Nothin- He just apologized and asked for a truce to stop fighting"

"Cute" Hermione said, smirking

"Quit smirking Granger" Harry said

"I see the way you look at Draco at dinner," Hermione stated

Harry sighed "So!? He just seems to be happier recently, I'm just curious" he lied

"Oh 'Just curious' huh?" Hermione gave him a side-eye and laughed

"Yes!" Harry lied "OH- and he was being such a Hufflepuff when we were talking-"

"The Slytherin prince acting like a Hufflepuff? I'm not sure I believe you mate" Ron said

"He was!" Harry whisper shouted

"Okay, okay. As long as he's not bothering us anymore" Ron said

"You'll see, he said he's coming to the party this weekend."

"Okay, We'll just have to wait and see," Ron said

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