Chapter 3: Creatures and Possession

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Carlos's POV

"I forgot how long it takes to reach Hades Lair." I said, my feet beginning to ache.

"Don't worry, it's just around this corner." Celia pointed ahead, leading Jane, Dizzy, and I to our planned destination.

Shortly after we broke up into groups, we went towards Hades Lair for two main  reasons. The first one is because we figured Hades might know more about the eclipse since he's a God and all that. Second, we needed to check on the rest of the citizens that remained on the island.

Hades did leave to Auradon after the barrier was taken down, but he returned here to get his "special" costume for Halloween. Which means he should be in his cave at this time.

"There's no possible way we could get into any trouble, right?" Jane asked, watching Celia unlock the front gate to his lair.

"Nah, no rules on the Isle forbid people to break inside homes." Celia joked, but Jane took it seriously. "I'm just messing with you."

"Once you get to know Celia, she starts to make jokes more often." Dizzy admitted, waiting for her best friend to open the large entry way with the key.

Eventually, Celia opened the front gate wide enough for us to squeeze through without making a lot of noise.

"Is she really kidding?" Jane whispered in my ear as we approached the darkness.

"Most of the time, but trust me when I say there is nothing scary down here. There's just barely light that reaches this far down." I brought her to my side, making sure she was safe and comfortable.

It took less than two minutes to arrive at the heart of Hades' underground home. Surely, we had to waste our energy by using the mining cart as transportation, but it was faster than trailing along the gravel.

"O. M. G." Dizzy started to approach a nearby record player. "These are so cool. My grandmother used to have one before someone stole it from her."

I saw Celia open her eyes tremendously, as if she knew something Dizzy didn't. On the other hand, I also saw Jane gazing at the different levels of the place. All the textured holes in the walls, old CD's stacked in the corner, and tons of antique furniture lying around.

"Wow, this is very different compared to Auradon houses." Jane stated, peaking around the place.

"Technically, this isn't too much of a home." I let out a laugh.

"Honestly. I wonder how someone could live in an underground lair. The stomping above would drive me crazy." Dizzy admitted, analyzing the record player closely.

And immediately, Celia broke in the conversation. "But do you know the one thing I don't see? Hades. He isn't here for some reason." She hinted, rolling her eyes in annoyance.

"Well where could he be?" I asked, also confused by Hades' unattendence.

"Who knows. He could be in Auradon waiting for us at this very moment." Celia shrugged and turned to the exit.

"But we just got here." Dizzy wined.

"Maybe we should leave. It's only for the best." Jane agreed.

I didn't put my input, so I followed the rest of them to the entry way. We began stepping towards the darkness again, until Celia came to a complete stop, halfway through the hall.

"What are you doing? Keep going." Jane insisted.

"Celia, are you good?" I tapped her on the shoulder, but she pushed us back even more.

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