Chapter 1: Full Moon Eclipse

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Mal's POV

It's finally here. Halloween night has just begun and we are starting to regroup as a squad once again.

My eyes glimmered as I watched the full moon rise high in the pitch black sky, just above Beast's Castle.

"How do you like my costume, Carlos?" Jane twirled in her pumpkin suit to show off the bright colors, distracting me from the beautiful sight.

"Everything looks good on you, Jane. Even if you are dressed up as a vegetable." Carlos sheepishly admitted, returning a smile at his girlfriend.

"Evie, you never disappoint us with your designs. But I must say, you really stepped out of your comfort zone with this one." I chimed in, looking down at my dragon costume. I know it's sort of obvious for me to choose something simple like that, but it actually suits me better than how I expected.

Around the top of my head was a purple dragon face. I weared a scaly purple dress with a few parts spray painted green. And to add some royal style, Evie placed blue jewels to my heels and the eyes of the dragon.

I glanced at everyone's costumes too and saw the effort my best friend put into them. Carlos decided to dress up as a dalmation dog with a long spotted tail sticking out and floppy ears. Jay dressed up as a professional tourney player, so Evie didn't have to get too creative with the design. Instead, she added decals like a snake on the back in red and black colors. Lonnie decided to be a warrior (no suprise there). Evie and Doug both matched costumes as King and Queen, which was super adorable.

Uma went with a full-on witch look. No, not a sea witch wardrobe, but a witch that has pointy hats and different chains of symbols. She also added some blue die throughout the rims. Harry was a young, micheifous vampire and honestly pulled off the style. Gil dressed up as a zombie pirate along with a few designs of skulls across his bandana.

For the fourth time in a row, Audrey weared a princess dress except it was more than just pink. There was some places were blue and purple could be shown to displapy her new signature trend. Chad was a traditional knight with real armor, which seemed pretty heavy on him, and we haven't walked anywhere. And my Ben was a cute beast, so he let out his beard grow a little more. He also had fake fur coming through his blue suit.

"I wouldn't have been able to pull this off without Doug's help. Lonnie and Jay also got the clothing material from Sherwood Forest. Lastly, Mal and Ben let me promote my clothing deals on school campus." E turned to glance at me. "I'm so lucky to have friends like you guys." Our crowd gave a few claps and cheers to her statements.

"It's not like me and Lonnie had anything better to do. We are so ahead of our league when it comes to our practice runs." Jay bragged, so Lonnie stayed quiet for a while.

"But if we were busy, we would manage to carve out time for you." Lonnie put a hand on Jay's shoulder, responding to Evie.

Then, Ben decided to give a kind comment as well. "I feel the same way. The new students at Auradon Prep loved your Four-Hearts Shop. We are starting to save more money to give to charities for new supplies."

"Is that seriously what your happy about?" I teased with him. "Evie told us that she'll help put money into our wedding and your talking about supplies?" We shared a humorous moment before anyone could cut in.

"Not that I'm concerned or anything, but are these costumes expensive?" Uma furrowed her eyebrows.

"Depends what your definition of expensive is." Evie joked, receiving a few chuckles from everyone. "Actually, they are all free. Think of them as a gift for the new V.K.'s who are celebrating their first years of Halloween with us."

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