Chapter Three: Harsh Reality

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"Shall we be off, then?"

Lukas' tone was chipper and almost excited as he greeted Alm and the rest, after they had said their goodbyes to their families and packed their important items. Alm noticed now some of the things his friends had thought to bring; a small coin pouch was attached to Tobin's belt; a makeshift quiver saddled to Kliff's back; and a small, cute stuffed horse was hidden in Faye's arms as she cuddled it. Something about seeing him and his friends like this, things packed and ready to leave a village so long called home by them, filled Alm with an odd feeling. It wasn't quite nerves, but it was also not completely excitement, an odd blend of the two he thought. But he double checked that everyone was prepared, and upon doing so, returned himself towards Lukas.

"We're ready,' Alm said.

"Very well! I shall lead the way. Don't fall behind now, I know we haven't even left Ram village yet, but we can never be too careful." And with that, Lukas turned towards the exit and departed. Alm followed suit, knowing the others were waiting for him to make his move before they would make their own.

"I kinda..." Tobin began.

"Kinda what?" Kliff shot back at him.

"Well I mean, I kinda can't believe this is just... happening!"

"I mean, we did agree to head out, didn't we?"

"Yeah, but still..."

Alm smiled at Tobin. "No, I know what you mean Tobin. Sure, we did agree to go join the deliverance in place of my grandfather only today. But it all did happen just today. That's not exactly something you can get over easily, is it?"

Kliff shrugged. "No, I suppose not."

"Heeey, don't stress it!" Gray had chimed in now. "It'll be fun, just think: this is our chance to go do... something, anything, in a world larger than Ram! Just think of all-"

"Oy! You lot, oe'r there!"

Gray stopped mid-sentence, and looked over to the source of the call, along with the rest of the group. Alm did the same, and saw standing, a good 20 meters away, a rough, ragged, and harsh man.

"'Fraid I'm gonna have to stop ye right there," the man continued. "These woods belong to me an' me boys. And we won't let anybody through without paying a bit of a price, see?"

"Brigands, already?" Alm pondered aloud. He looked towards Lukas, and notices as he did the rest followed suit. Lukas stared towards their foe, an irritation about his furrowed brows.

"Alm," he spoke, "Though it is surprising, you must be prepared for far worse challenges than common thieves. Everyone, prepare to fight." Lukas lifted his lance arm, and pointed his lance forward, before gripping it with his other hand and assuming a battle-ready stance.

"Ohoho," laughed the beaten man. "So, yer playin' like that, eh? Right boys, lets get 'em."

Just as he spoke, several more rough men, all with sinister scowls and jagged, scarred faces, came into view from behind the first man. "'ay boss?" one of the men said. "There's that pretty lookin' girl with em, heh. She'd fetch a nice price, wouldn't ya say?"

"Aye, ye make a good point," the first man responded. "Feel free to kill the men, but keep the girlie alive."

Faye, having heard this, looked to Alm, a visible attempt being made to suppress the fear she felt. "What do we do, Alm?"

"Well, isn't it obvious?" Gray cut in. "We fight 'em. We can't let disgusting men like them go any further – right Alm?"

"Right," Alm confirmed. "Get ready to fight, everyone," as he raised his iron forged blade in front of him, signaling to the others to follow suit. He knew that fighting was something they were all decent at, but as he reassured his friends, it began occurring to him that this was it – this would be his first time fighting a foe with malice intent, fighting for the sake of his and his friends lives. It was initially an unnerving thought to him – the man who he would be fighting was, like himself, just a man, with friends, family, people who likely cared for him. Soon however, Alm realized that a man as despicable as him would not stop at taking Alm's life – to leave that man roaming free would be the same as killing everyone else the man would kill. And with that resolution in mind, Alm brought himself back to the present, glared down at his foes with a determination like that of a proud lion, and readied himself for battle.

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