Luo Yi visits Eudora

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"Let me show you her. She's literally one of the best human beings on this planet. She's stunning, intelligent, and a literal boss," Lesley says, with excitement in her voice as she praises Luo-Yi.

"Oh damn! She has purple hair! That's bold. Oh my gosh, she is really pretty. Do you think you could set us up?" Eudora asks with a timid smile, cheeks blushing.

"Of course," Lesley says with a smile. Lesley cancels her plans of plotting to get together with Luo-Yi, she was too far into the friend zone anyways.

Flash-forward (to present time):

The door opens quickly, staying at an angle while Lesley and a purple-haired girl walk in. Lesley is holding 2 bags of groceries while Luo-Yi is holding one.

Eudora is 2 feet apart from the girls, mouth agape. "Luo-Yi!" she exclaims.

"Haha, you must be Eudora," Luo Yi says cooly, as she's taking off her mask.

"I am," Eudora says, blushing. 

"I ran into Les on my way here. I wanted to surprise you guys but I guess that failed. If you guys aren't busy, I brought some games," She says.

"Oh my gosh, yes! Let's play right now," Eudora says excitedly.

Luo Yi smiles.

Luo Yi smiles

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MOBA FF : LUOYI X LESLEY X EUDORAWhere stories live. Discover now