Chapter 1 - The Meeting

Start from the beginning

You took your keys and wallet before stepping outside and locking the door behind you.
It was already dark and at that moment every horror story you had ever heard in your life came rushing into your brain. You tried to shake off the feeling of being scared and vulnerable, but didn't fully succeed.

Normally you would have turned back, but this time decided to be brave.
You did carry a small pocket knife with you in case you needed to defend yourself, and that was currently the only thing giving you a safe feeling.

The store wasn't that far away from your place. It was only a 15 minute walk from your apartment complex, so an easy trip there and back.
You pulled the jacket hood over your head as you started walking, and you truly hoped it wouldn't start raining more.

Water splashed under your boots as you hit a few puddles while walking. So far it had been about five minutes and everything was going fine.
You came close to your local park that was between you and the shop. Going around it would take longer, but did you really want to risk your life by walking through the dark park.

You didn't have long to think about it because you heard an unusual sound coming from behind you. You quickly turned your head to see if there was anyone walking there, but saw nobody.
There was no way you were imagining that and the sound had to have come from somewhere.

You picked up your walking speed and felt like there was someone behind you doing the same, and you swear you heard footsteps.

As you came to the gates of the park you started running full speed away from whoever or whatever you thought was following you.
Maybe running into the dimly lit park wasn't the best idea, but at least the trees and bushes would give you more cover.

The rain felt harder on your face like it was trying to cut open your skin, but you didn't even think about it at this moment, your only goal was to run.
The mask over your face was giving you some trouble since you were breathing heavily, you could only hope you wouldn't get a panic attack because of the situation.

You weren't sure if someone was still following you, so you just kept running and running even though your lungs felt like giving up.
You rarely exercised anymore so this was really hitting your body hard.

After some time of running you had to look back, you tried to see what it was you were running from, but didn't see anybody. You hoped you had lost them with all the dodges you made past the trees.
You slowed your running pace, but before you had a chance to turn your head back to the direction you were running towards, you hit someone, hard.
You collapsed on the rough and wet ground that was covered in small puddles formed by the rain.

"I'm- so- sorry!" You said, pausing between words because your breathing was heavy from the running.
Your eyes were closed from the pain and you could tell that your arms and elbows were scratched, F to your clothes.
The person you crashed into was very quiet and didn't say a word. Usually people would just start yelling in that situation, but whoever this was, didn't.

You finally opened your eyes and looked at the person quickly just to make sure they weren't going to attack you, before looking back to the direction you were running away from.
When you saw you weren't currently in danger you turned back to look at the person you crashed into. They had also fallen to the ground, but had now gotten back to their feet.

When you saw them reach a hand out to you, you realised you were still sitting on the cold ground. You were too shy and embarrassed to look at their face so you just stared at the person's hand instead.
After a few seconds of hesitation you took the hand and the person helped you up, but you almost fell back down again from the pain on your right ankle. The person quickly caught you so you wouldn't fall to the ground.

Unexpected Soulmates (Corpse Husband x reader)Where stories live. Discover now