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-- 15 years passed --

*click* the sound of my veranda as I opened it and slowly walk to the nearest table to sit.

As always, I woke up early in the morning, had my favorite breakfast and coffee while sitting here at the veranda of my room looking at the blue sky and watching birds fly everywhere while the wind are blowing trees that cause their leaves to let go from the branches and fall silently to the ground.

"Ah~ what a peaceful day for a 21 years-old guy like me" I said.

Well yeah... It 'WAS' peaceful before 'HE' came 'AGAIN'

*BAAAM!* the sound of my door after he blasted inside my room. "I AM HE--oh no... Its broken" He whispered. I inhaled air and hold the chair handle.

"NUUUUUUUEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLL!" I screamed again and obviously he runaway again. "I'm sorry!" He replied as he disappeared without trace. "You damn punk... THIS IS THE 100th TIME ALREADY! Control your damn self!" I screamed but of course no one will reply cause he's gone and hiding.

"*Sigh....* Lawrence" I called for my royal butler. He stepped inside and came near me "Want me to call another Carpenter?" He asked. 'I like this guy so much, I mean... He know what to do already even not telling him'

I nodded twice. "Yes, tell them to build my door again" I said and he nodded twice "Yes your majesty and.... want me to also call for a meeting for the ambassadors about the failed budget plan?" he suggested. "Who requested?" "The chief of Central south city"

"I see... I understand. Call a meeting for me in Five minutes. I'll go prepare my self, you go now" I ordered. He slightly bowed and walk outside my room.

I stared at the destroyed door and continue to walk to my walking closet. I took a bath, dressed my self and move out of my room while reading the file about the failed budget plan. I walked to the court and Everyone was bowing at me, moving out of my way.

Well yeah because I am the--

"Make way for the Emperor of Wrightes kingdom. Emperor Luel Shwel Wrightes!" Shouted by those guards at the entrance.

Heard that? yes. you read it right. I am the Emperor of this Kingdom and I will lead this kingdom to victory

Outside the

"Well that's unexpected. It's not my fault that it breaks, am just strong" I said to myself as I marched here outside the palace. "Well whatever now that am done visiting my brother. It is time to train those knights and make them as strong as they can be!" I shouted.

I walked to the knights area and saw.... No one.

"Were the heck??" I confusedly look around but see nothing even a soul. "Vacation or patrol??" I asked as I felt a buzz in my pocket. I pulled out my phone and look whose calling me and "Oh....DAD!" I screamed. Immediately I answered.

"How are you dad?? why did you call me???" I asked. ("Don't tell me you forgot what day is today?") He asked. I looked at the sky and speak "Friday... Why ask me? Want me to buy some calendar for you?" I said. I heard him sighed. ("No. Not that.. The date. The number") He repeated. I look again at the sky and say "Ohhh! Today is 19 I didn't know" I said and laughed ("Good now you understand") "Yep I understand I'll go buy some Hay and feed your horses! See you later there dad!" I said.

I heard him said 'No' but I already ended the call and I don't have load to call back so I guess..... "Let's go buy some Hay" I said as I walk back to the Empire.

Am a the only one who can feel this but... there's literally no one around... "Why?" I asked myself but I continued to walk to my car. I entered and pulled out my car key. As I drove away I saw someone running, trying to catch up with me driving my car while waving.

"Huh why?" I asked as I think about the reason. "Oh I see! A car race! HAHA! you're not gonna win from me. I'm the best driver" I said as I stepped on the gas and drove faster.

"Now I shall go to the market and buy some Hay and deliver it to Dad. He's kinda old now so I understand that he cant buy this thing by himself. Gotta help him as a good son" I smiled

Inside the

"He got away?" I asked "Yes Emperor" Lawrence answered. I hold my nostrils as I talk to my Dad over the phone. "He escaped" I said ("God damn.") Dad said, I heard him sighed twice. "I guess we will go there in the Main house and arrange everything before he comes" I suggested. ("Yeah. I'll go start the work. Come here now") Dad said as he End's the call

I sighed again.

Damn Nuel... doesn't even know our birthday. "Go and gather everyone. We will be transferring to the Main House" I said. All of the knight moved out. I walk down the stairs and Entered my car. Lawrence droved for me "Should I ask someone to watch the King?" He asked. "No need. Nuel can take care of himself and He said he's gonna go get some Hay and deliver it to Dad so am sure he is buying right now" I said. Lawrence Nodded twice and drove faster, knights and guards are following us from the back.

'That stupid punk'

At the

Everyone is looking at me right now. 'Why?' I asked myself. As I walk pass a glass wall I saw what am I wearing. 'Oh... I forgot to change clothes...' I said in my mind and tapped by vest

"Well whatever... Gotta go buy some Hay" I smiled as I marched Inside the farm market.

Minute past I brought what I need and carries the Hay at my shoulder and put it in my car. "I'll just go and clean this later" I said.

I was supposed to enter my car when somebody called me.

"King" He called. I looked at him and saw everyone encircling me.. "Why??" I asked.

He came near me and Pulls out a small box with a ribbon on top. "Hmmmm???" I said as I hold on to the box he gave. "People in this place are all poor but we are glad to be your subjects! Please accept that gift from us" He said.

I look at him and look back at the box "Oh No need! Protecting people is my duty as a supporter of the emperor... Thanks for this but um.... Whats with the Red ribbon?" I asked..

All of them smiled. "We're supposed to send it from the kingdoms Mailbox but we were surprised to see you here so we would like to give you that here personally" They said...

Well yeah I understand that part but why??? "Why? what occasion?" I asked. They all laughed at me.

'why they laugh?'

"It's your and emperor's birthday" He said. All of them smiled while some of them screamed full of happiness but I was shocked. I stood in here like a stone try' to remember what day is today and what just dad asked me.

when I realized my stupidness I laughed. "Oh my hahaha. I didn't know. Thank you for telling me. See you later peeps!" I said as I entered my car and waved at them before hitting the gas and drove away.

'Why so stupid Nuel?' I asked my self as I travel to the Wrightes Main Mansion together with my new friend 'Hay'

"Ah shit. This will be hard to clean..."

♡ A LONER And A TROUBLE MAKER LOVE STORY :> Where stories live. Discover now