chapter 17 ••♡ Special ♡••

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Its already six o'clock in the morning and I woke up earlier than expected because there's a reason why! and the reason is where gonna party at the main house today.

Yeah I know, I know. I just massacred that place yesterday but who care's? None right afterall that place is much more peaceful now after I killed those noble brats.

ahh~ what a good day.

I stood up and unexpectedly saw someone sleeping besides me like "What the fck?" I asked.
It was livius, sleeping at my bed. I get up on the bed, raised my feet and "Get off!" I said as I kicked him off. He rolled out the bed to the floor and hit his face at the table

"Ouch that hurt" He said as he hold his face.

"Served you right." I said as I goes down and sit at the chair besides my bed. He stood up and sit in front of me. "So what are you doin' here?" I asked as my eyebrows raise.

"Well. I was supposed to wake you up but. I just can't interfere with your happy dream. You're smiling too much" He said.

I hold up my hand, grabbed the vase and throw it to his face and yes... He catched it and put it back to where it was placed. "Fck" I murmured. He just smiled at me and laughed.

"Well now your job is done. Get out" I said as I stood up and walk near my bathroom.
He stood up and hold the doorknob looking at me.

'What?" I asked. Instead of answering me, He just point his lips at me and act like a puppy.

'Fine... Only now' I said in my mind and came near him. I grabbed his necktie and kissed him.

I moved away and looked at him. "Now Out" I said as I smiled and pushed him out.
He closed the door and I continue to take a bath.


"What was that? Did she just? What? OMYYYY GHOD" I scremed here and jumped nonstop.

'Holyshit I can die now! I mean not yet, Im supposed to marry her not die now' I said in my mind as I felt something hit my back.

"Ouch what was that?!" I screamed and look at the person who hit me and it was actually him. "hehe.. well am sorry" I said as I bowed slightly and smiled bitterly. I heard him sighed so I raised my head and look at him.

'What's the matter?" I asked

"I've been waiting for hours now. Where's arshly?" He asked. I looked at the door and look back at him. "She just got up" I answered. He looked at me and smiled "You done something huh..." he smirked.

I hold my chest and looked at him. "We done nothing" I denied. He laughed "Then why are you shocked?"

"Am I? No of course not" I said as I look away. I heard him laugh and whispered something but its not clear. "Heh. Am out!" I said then marched away from him.

I walked downstairs and sit at the singled sofa here and looked at the paintings at the wall. "I've been here for One day but this place really amazed me. I might get lost if I wander here alone." I mumured.

Finally I heard the two of them walk down the stairs. "So slow!" I said and look at them. Both of them just laughed. "Wow... well lets go now" Emperor kenshly said so I stood up, stand besides arshly and walked to my own car.

Brother got his own car and he said he's going to meet someone along the way so we aren't going with him.

"Hop in" I said to arshly as I opened the door. She just smiled back at me and entered, I closed the door and walk around the car and enter the driver seat.

"Shall we?" I said then she nodded. I started the car and drove to the Wrightes Main Mansion.
of course driving is hassle because of those frigging stop lights. "Come on" I said as I hit my steering wheel.

I gazed at arshly calmly looking outside the window. I didn't know what happened to my self but I pull my self closer to her and kissed her on the cheeks.

She looked at me surprised so I kissed her again on the lips. "Payback" I said and continue to drove away.

She just lay her back on the chair and whispered "frick you" that literally made me laugh hard.

'This cute woman. Ahh~ God thank you for everything'


Those damn brats. They're frigging late.

"Dad are we there yet?" my son asked.

Ah yes I forgot to tell. I am the emperor so having a empress and childrens are already obvious right?

I gazed at him and back to the road. "Yes my son. Already there..." I said as I parked the car outside. "Done! where here" I announced. He happily screamed and smacked his twin brother "Wake up already sleepyhead" he said. Luel opened his eyes and glared at nuel "that hurts" he said.

"HAHA" Nuel laughed and run outside the car.

"Oh nuel watch were you going!" Marwel said and stepped outside the car.

I looked at Luel "Not yet going out?" I asked. "why?" He replied. I looked away as I think and look back at him "Because they got thons of Chocolate inside" I said.

He stared at me and slowly stepped outside the car. "I guess it's not that bad to look" He said and walk inside. "Hey wait for me!" Nuel said and followed Luel inside.

I stepped Outside and Locked the car. "Lets go marwel?" I asked as I offer my arm to her. She smiled at me and hold to my arm.

We entered the place at the same time and saw dad's surprised reaction as he looked at the twin

'What is this Omyghod" He said and ordered the maids to go and bring food.

"How's your day dad?" I asked. He looked at me and just like always he smiled... but this time his eyes are pure and innocent. "My day is nice. Where's Arshly?" He asked.

"I dunno about that brats" I replied and we seat talking to each other. Minute pass, we heard a car parked outside and voice and footstep walkinig inside.

It was arshly and Livius fighting like cat and dog as always. Arshly pouted and walked near the twins while livius sit besides me.

"What's the matter?" I asked livius. He was smiling like there was no tomorrow. "Nothing" He smugged.

I left all of them there and walk upstairs to the Veranda. I stared at the calm and blue sky above.
"I wish time could stop here" I said and smiled.

I am thankful for everything and now I am ready to left those past behind, for a new begining.

--- End ---

♡ A LONER And A TROUBLE MAKER LOVE STORY :&gt; Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant