Chapter 3 ■ Deal ■

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••■ Arshly Red Wrightes Pov ■••

We travel for hours then stop in this big-big-big house, more like a mansion, It is more bigger than a mall--just kiddin' maybe 1/2 of a standard mall.

We Stop infront of this big house
Where you can find a line of people waiting for us to great us. He goes down and opened the door for me.

"I can do that my self."
Me staring at him with a poker face.
Whenever I look at his stuppid face, I cant stop my self from wanting to kill him. Aurgh my blood is boiling!

I step down the Car and unisonly the maid and butler greeted us.
"Welcome home Lord.."

Even here? Just who the heck
is this guy. This starting to be weird. I can tell that I entered a more bigger problem.

One of the butler come near us
"Lord his Majesty is waiting for you.." said by the butler with respect to him.


"Okay.." he said and suddenly stare at me, he flick his fingers and point at me. "Assist her, Change her clothes. I want a beautiful and formal gown." Him ordering Everyone and walk inside the house with the butler, while I was left alone here encircled by the maids

Wait what did he just said?

Lmao thats funny.

"Hurt!" Me shouting here when suddenly one of the maids pulled me inside.

"Lady keep moving there is not enough time, Lord Orders" them pulling me through a room filled with acient arts, beautiful gowns and different color of corset dress.

Ah shit.
I can feel it
My death.

••■ Livius Gray Xerxes  Pov ■••

"Lords Who is she?"
My butler Simon asking me Question Again.

"Well.. shess----"
Me suddenly remembers what happen a while ago. "Welp Idk."

"What?! My Lord  you cant Just Bring some Random Girl here.."
Him shocking shouted at me.

Well he's right but I don't have any choice.

"Trust me..."
Me looking at him straight to the eyes.  "Whats Your plan my lord?"  He asked.

I ware my suit and look at the glass.
"Well.. I really dont want to do This But, I Need to survive this Issue in the family"  I said while tapping my slacks.

"Your majesty Dont tell me? Your going to used That innocent girl to   stop your marriage with the Xanders Daughter?!" He shout at me.

I know it will surprise him but.. yeah again.. She's my last choice.

"Well yeah I dont Have any choice, do i?"

"But Lord..."

"Dont worry. Im not going to use her.. cause.. I--I Think Im-- Fck my life"  me stuttering and walk outside my room.

I caant--I cant say it. The first time I saw Her, she leaves my Heart and Mind Crazy. I know its Called love and.. this is My first time feeling it again and yeaah right. I LOVE HER. Love at first bump i think?

I walk towards the hall where you can find the throne of the king.
Ahh yeah----I forgot to introduce my self. I am---

"The Crown Prince Lord, Livius Gray Xerxes  is Hereee!!!"

Welp... I guess I dont need to Introduce my self anymore---thats Right im the crown Prince Of our Family..

"My son you're here" Mom then huggs me, I hugged her back.

"Mom wheres Dad?" I asked

"He's in the throne" She answered while pinching my nose.

"Mom stop.. am not a kid anymore" I said as I move her hand.  "Still you are mommy's only Son" she smiled so I smiled back at her.

"Then Ill be going." Me goin' to my father when my mother suddenly holds my arm.

"Wait my son.. are going to marry--"

"NO.. I will marry someone else..."

"Son.... if you insist then, For me its Fine, but your father." She said while gripping my hand. So I look back at her and hold her hand with respect.

"Dont worry  about dad, I'll go talk to him." Me smiling at her, she smiles back at me. I unhold her hand and walk towards my  Dad--the king.

Im happy that mom Understand why I dont want to Marry that bitch and that makes Me really Happy because someone is trusting me.

"Dad--- My King."
Me kneeling at him with respect.

"My Son stand up! I want you to meet Your Future Queen." Then he wave his hands.

"Ms. XANDER pls.." my father calling someone, then sharon step infront then bows.

"Li--Liviuss about what happen I really want to say Sorry.." her try'n to  explain her self and that made me smile like a demon.

"Sorry? For what? You said you're not in fault so whats the need of saying your sorry? Tskk.. maybe you know something do you? Are you feeling guilty now? Hah!
Like I Care."

Ah damn
My blood is boiling

"Livius!!" My father shouting at me so I  look back at him.

"Im sorry dad But Im not going to marry some bitch You want"
Everyone look at us like and start blubbering things.

Simon, my butler slowly walk towards me  "She's here.." he said.

Well.. exactly as what i want..

"Let her in"
Me ordering the people outside the gate to let her come inside.

"Who?!" Dad asking me thats why I just smiles at him.

"The one that I love! The one that im Going to marry!!" Me proudly shouting here infront of everyone.

"Ohhhh~ whose that lucky lady enough to capture the trouble maker prince heart?" Emperor Kenshly while drinking his wine.

Emperor Kenshly the most powerful person in this nation, he is also know in the whole world as the emperor of silence and he's one of the 10 unstoppable  emperors.

Everyone look at the door as she elegantly enters and walk through the carpet as if she was a member of a royalty. She was wearing a dark blue corset dress that match perfectly in her beautiful light brown hair.

But we are more shock to see Emperor kenshly spits his wine into the carpet and cough so hard.

"S-sis the f-fcck?!"
Emperor kenshly surprisingly shouts while coughing none stop.

Wait did we hear it right?

All of the present guest shouting in unison. Even the king and my ex.

I'm left frozen standing here.
Just who are you for real?!

♡ A LONER And A TROUBLE MAKER LOVE STORY :> Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant