"I heard you are playing tonight" Oliver whispered, as he looked at Luke with a gentle smile.

"Maybe I could come... I haven't seen you play in a long time" Luke took a deep breath, but ended up nodding.

"As long as you don't beat up my best friend's face again" Luke joked, yet you could hear the threat in his voice. Oliver put his hands up.

"Don't worry I will be calm" Oliver smiled as he began writing notes for math again.

"So you have become close with Mila? She always hangs around your little friend group"

Luke couldn't help but flash a small smile as he heard her name, the instant wishing it was lunch time took over him.

"Yea... she's cool" Luke answered as he tried to solve the math problem on the board.

"Yeah she is... a very quiet girl but she has always seemed sweet" Oliver smiled, he chuckled to himself. "She was my first kiss"

This had Luke drop his pencil and look almost in a shock at his classmate. "She what?" Luke whispered in a confused voice.

Of course he knew that Mila had former feelings for Oliver, but he had never guessed his feelings were more than a simple thought.

"Yes, and I will say if it wasn't for Aera, I would have probably tried to date Mila" Luke took a deep breath as he clenched his jaw, Oliver seemed amused by these actions and ended up smirking.

"Does Luke Patterson have a crush that isn't his guitar?" Oliver teased, of course Luke didn't seem pleased by this as he tried to ignore Oliver, yet of course this was hard as he sat right beside him.

"I mean it's understandable, her hair, her eyes, the smell of coconuts, her amazing singing voice, her writing talent- " Oliver continued until Luke couldn't take it anymore.

"Why don't you date her then" Of course he had said this too loud and now the whole class was looking at Oliver and Luke like they were crazy, which they ... well were at that moment.

"Gentlements, what is this about?" The teacher asked as he looked at Luke and Oliver, Oliver leaned back in his chair with a soft smirk on his lips while Luke sighed.

"Nothing sir... I'm sorry we interrupted" Luke answered, his eyes went to Aera who looked at them both with a face he could not read.

The class continued, luckily none of them got in trouble, yet Luke ignored every comment coming from Oliver from that moment on.

As class ended Luke was one of the first to head out the door with his guitar on his back, he was however stopped halfway through the hallway.

"Luke stop" He turned around to see Daliah, he raised an eyebrow a bit confused as to why she would be calling after him, yet he returned her smile.

"What's up?" Luke asked as he looked at the girl. "What did Oliver say to work you up like that?" She asked, which sadly caused Luke to sigh as he turned around beginning to walk towards his next class.

However, Daliah was fast on her high heels and was right beside him in his fast walk.

"Listen I understand that Oliver is a jerk, but he is not worth you getting detention again" Luke stopped up in his trail and looked into the brown-eyed girl.

He was about to say something, but Daliah interrupted him by putting words in his mouth. "He talked about Mila, didn't he?" Luke bit his lip looking away as he nodded.

"Whatever he said... don't take it seriously, he would always call her a weirdo and a quiet monster when Aera was with him, this was of course because she rejected hi-" Luke interrupted her in her speech.

"Wait hold up, Mila rejected him?" Luke asked, looking at Daliah who nodded slowly.

"That's at least what he told Caroline, and you know I was with Caro so she told me an-" Luke looked confused at her as she spoke.

"Mila was deeply in love with that dude, if he knew that they could have been together -" That was when he noticed it and looked at Daliah. "You're shitting with me aren't you?"

Daliah smirk was big as she winked. "Come on.... it was a little fun" She said which caused him to sigh and turned around beginning his walk again.

"You are clearly in love with that quiet girl, why don't you ask her out"

"It's complicated Daliah" He answered as he turned a corner, Daliah sighed.

"Last time I checked you got a pp and she got a vv so why don't just" Luke rolled his eyes at her words as he walked into his next class leaving her out in the hallway.

Daliah smiled to herself as she faster than the wind, walking to locker 272. Where a very confused Mila, who closed her locker only to see a smiling Daliah beside her.

"Heyyyy Garcia, how are you?" Daliah asked while leaning up against the next locker, Mila looked confused at Daliah yet smiled back.

"Good, how are you?" Mila asked, which caused Daliah to giggle gently.

"Well... I was thinking me and the others are having a small get-together tonight, why don't you come, Young is gonna be there"

Daliah lied with a small smirk as she wiggled her eyebrows, Mila looked with a confused smile as she locked her locker.

"Sorry, Daliah... but I actually have plans tonight, maybe next time?" Mila said as she began walking away, yet stopped by Daliah's words.

"Sad... I'm sure Young would have asked you out" Mila's heart began beating in her chest, her hands got sweaty and she found herself having shivers don't her back.

She turned around looking at Daliah, like she was a Siren luring her into the water.

As the bell rang, Mila snapped out of it and flashed Daliah one last smile.

"I'm sorry... but I won't attend" And with that she walked to class, confused as to why Daliah wanted her there and her words about Oliver Young did not help.

She placed herself beside Reggie who was in his notebook drawing small drawings.

"Are you ready for tonight?" Mila asked with a smile, Reggie flashed her one as well as he nodded. "I can't wait for you to hear our new songs"

Mila giggled as she smiled to herself looking down in her notebook.

If you would have asked her a month ago, she would never in her life say no to a party where Oliver Young would be attending

But there she was looking more forward to seeing her best friends rocking their next stage, than wanting to talk with him.

before the pain | luke (JATP)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang