Chapter 7

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I didn't know what to do. He's going to try and kill Ace!? He can't do that! He can't kill Ace and I sure as hell am not going to marry him!! He is psychotic if he thinks otherwise!! I sat there in the darkness trying to figure out how to escape. I looked around, trying hard to concentrate and saw a window.

That's it!! I thought to myself. I took a deep breath and focused trying to remember that damn spell. Finally, it came to me. I sat on the bed trying to channeled all my energy into my magic reciting the spell that Felicity had taught. Next thing I knew the binds hit the floor with a loud snap, and I heard running feet. I ran to the window and grabbed a rock I found on the ground and threw it through the window. It broke with a loud "CRASH!" The footsteps were getting closer.

"STOP HER!!" I heard someone yell as I jumped out of the window. I landed on my feet and took off into the woods. I had to get to Ace before Ryder did. I ran as fast and as hard as I could. All I could think about was Ace being trapped in a dungeon and tortured if Ryder got to him first. I ran faster. By time I got to the compound I was completely out of breath. I ran into the building and straight to Aces office where I knew he would be......trying to figure out how to save me.

"WHEN YOU FIND THAT FILTHY MUTT.... KILL HIM!!" I heard Aces voice yelling from the other side of the door.

"Yes sir," I heard Eric's voice say, then the door opened.

"CLARA!?" Ace said when he saw me," how did you escape?"

"No time!" I said breathless," we have to get out of here! Now! Ryder is on his way with his men to kill you! We have to go!"

"Clara!" Ace said making me look at him," you need to calm down. What about your family?" I looked away as I felt tears threaten to spill over.

"Clara?" Ace said making me look at him," what happened?"

"Ryder, he...." I couldn't say it. I felt the dam break and the tears flowed.

"He killed them," Ace sighed," I'm so sorry love."

"I can't lose you too," I said through tears.

"If leaving is what you wish.... Then that's what we'll do," Ace said kissing my head, then looked at Eric," help Clara pack our things. I have something I have to do."

"Yes sir," Eric said. Eric was Ace's number one right hand man.... the one he trusted the most.

"I won't be long," Ace said with a quick kiss, then walked out of his office. I sighed, and Eric and I went to pack mine and Ace's things.

"Are you ready to go love?" Ace asked meeting me and Eric at the door and I nodded. Ace and I left, along with Eric.


We had been on the road for hours. I had my headphones in listening to the music on my phone, trying to block out Eric and Ace trying to figure out how they could kill Ryder, when we finally stopped. I looked around and we were in the middle of nowhere.

"Where are we?" I asked taking my headphones out.

"Just wait," Ace smiled. He pulled into a driveway I hadn't seen, and we drove on it for about ten minutes before we came to a beautiful house. It was a big Victorian with beautiful stained-glass windows that stretched as far as the eye could see. The door was a beautiful dark brown oak door with metal in different shapes and designs. The house itself was a dark blue color with red shutters and balconies attached the upstairs windows. There were beautiful red roses surrounding the edge of the house. There were trees everywhere around the yard, blocking out any unwanted eyes. There were a few shrubs in different shapes all around the house. On the right side of the house there was a big willow tree with beautiful bright green leaves and a swing hanging down from one of the branches. The grass was bright green and trimmed as if someone had been here all along taking care of the yard. I looked back at the house and noticed a crest of some sort above the door. I looked closely and saw that it was Ace's family crest. We walked inside the house and it was even more beautiful than the outside of the house. The walls were a lovely blue, just a bit lighter than the outside of the house. There were pictures of, what I assumed was, Ace's family. The kitchen was huge and had beautiful dark colored oak cupboards. The stove had like six places to cook on the stove top and there were two ovens. The counters were a beautiful marble. There was an island that was also marble. The floor was an amazingly bright white tile. I walked out into the hallway and into the living room. There were two black leather couches on one side of the living room with a black leather chair in the middle of them. On the other side of the room was a huge flat screen TV that covered most of the wall. Underneath the TV was a fireplace surrounded by bright red bricks and a wooden mantle also made of wood. The windows looked even bigger from the inside of the house. I looked up and saw a chandelier that took my breath away. Dangling down from chandelier were beautiful crystals that sparkled when the sunlight hit them giving off an air of dignity and class. I walked out of the living room and followed the hall down to the dining room. In the middle of the dining room was a huge amazing wooden dark oak table surrounded by wooden dark oak chairs. It was big enough to seat at least thirty people. There was a fireplace just like the one in the living room with more pictures on it. The walls were covered in rose wallpaper. I looked out the windows and I could see a pond in the back yard with lily pads and a few different animals in it. There were all kinds of flowers surrounding the pond. I opened the window and instantly felt a warm breeze hit my face. I smiled as I smelled the roses and heard all the different animals.

His Little Lunaحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن