Chapter 6

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I opened my eyes and smiled as I remembered what had happened and the way I felt. Ace really is my mate. I giggled and got up walking to the bathroom happily. I looked in the mirror and noticed something on my neck, something I didn't expect to see.

"Are those teeth marks?" I asked myself.

"Yes," I jumped," sorry little pup." Ace wrapped his arms around my waist smirking.

"Vampires are like wolves when it comes to marking their mates," Ace said," only difference is our marks heal completely and there's no scaring."

"Then how do others know?" I asked turning to face him.

"By this," Ace said tapping my shoulder and I flinched. I turned and saw raw skin on my shoulder.

"What the hell!?" I asked. It looked like it was a dragon wrapped around a sword.

"That's my family crest," Ace said," it shows that you're mine now and forever."

"Oh," I said, then turned back to him checking his neck where I bit him last night and smiled," good! It healed! I was worried." Even though I wasn't a wolf, if I mated with someone, I could still mark them like a wolf.

"I know gorgeous," Ace said pulling me closer to him," I heal quicker than most vampires." He kissed me and picked me up carrying back to the bed.

"OW!" I said when my shoulder touched the bed. Ace sighed and laid next to me.

"Yeah. Your shoulder is going to be sore for a couple of days," Ace said, then with a quick kiss got up and got dressed," I have some stuff to take care of, but I will see you at lunch.... Little pup." He smirked and left. I rolled my eyes and got dressed smiling. I put my undies and pants on and had just put my bra on when I heard loud noises coming from outside my door. I hurried and put my shirt on and opened it. I saw Ace on the ground knocked out and my father and Ryder standing over him.

"CLARA!?" My father said when he saw me.

"DADDY!?" I asked shocked and staggered back falling down.

"Are you okay!?" My father asked helping me up," did he hurt you!?"

"NO!" I said a little too loud and quickly. I saw Ryder holding something over Ace's heart that I recognized as a wooden steak.

"STOP!!" I yelled lunging at him. I bared my teeth and growled.

"CLARA!!" My father said picking me up off Ryder. I got free of his grip and ran over to Ace.

"ACE!?" I asked worriedly trying to wake him up," ACE!! WAKE UP!!" My father pulled me away from him holding me back.

"GET OFF ME!!" I struggled," I HAVE TO MAKE SURE HE'S OKAY!!!"

"What is your problem!?" Ryder asked looking at me disgusted," why do you care about this leech!?"

"DON'T CALL HIM THAT!!" I growled and got free from my father again. I sat next to Ace cradling his head in my lap.


"WHAT!?" Ryder said," that's not possible!! She's my mate!!"

"No, I'm not," I said rubbing Ace's head trying to wake him up," the reason my neck bruised up is because we aren't meant to be mate's. Everything I felt for you was just because I wanted my mate so badly."

"You are not mating with him Clara!!" My father growled.

"You're too late daddy!" I said showing him Ace's family crest," and yes I bit him! It's sealed, you can't do anything about it." Before my father could say anything, Ace woke up.

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