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Year 5,
At number 4, Private drive, Little whinging, Surrey.



(Trigger warning ️ )

What a wonderful start to my day.... Hah! Not(!)

I was beaten up, bruised and bloodied and stuck in my room. It wasn't even actually a room! It was the cupboard under the stairs! Because I was a FREAK, I didn't deserve a room, apparently.

Multiple Cuts and bruises were across my face, arms, hands, legs, back, you name it. Every part of my body hurt and ached from the searing pain. I hurt in places I didnt know could even hurt! Scars and burns all over me. Thin as a stick, my ribs could be seen very clearly. Malnourishment, dehydration.

Blood was dripping all over my body, my worn out, torn, mattress bed and my cupboard. I don't have enough energy to even move, let alone do chores.

But I am Harry Fucking Potter, yeah? so I had to do those bloody chores anyway. Anyone else probably would have passed out.... but after a while, you get used to this shit. I know. Sick right? Yeah. Sorry.

And Well... agony. That's what I felt when Vernon finished with me. That's what I felt, everyday, in the summer. From the day I turned 4, till now at 15. Even at Hogwarts, wherever I go, the searing pain never stops. It's ingrained into my brain. Never stopping, never normal. Always the same. No change at all. Ever.

10 long terrifying years of agony and torture, only lessened because I'm away for 10 months for the past 4 years. But that time is made up for during the two months I'm at home. I pay for going away with every ounce of my being. But now, it was even worse.

Every time I close my eyes after a beating or something, or even to take rest... I see the graveyard. I see Cedric. I see Voldemort. I see my mum and dad.

It hurt. So fucking much. It felt like something was clawing at me, tearing into me, burning me, whacking me and what not 24 Fucking 7. Trying to make me burn from the inside. Make me writhe in pain. to make me want to die.

This time, it was different. I have gained certain extrasensory skills. I am adept at sensing and observing. And now, even with me being almost unconscious, I could feel something different, something out of the ordinary. Something magical. And at the Dursley household, that is abnormal, freakish, like me. But the different thing was Not a 'thing' per say.

But a few magical signatures... It wasn't The Dursleys. I mean they aren't magical... And it's definitely not Dud or Tuny. oh no! No!

No! No no no no no no!! Shit!!

This cannot be happening. Nobody can know!! Because That means, Someone is here. Someone who isn't that bastard Vernon, Tunie and Dud. But I couldn't put exactly my finger on it. I usually can if I know the person but right now I can't even stand, let alone use my extra... Um... abilities!? Eh whatever they're called.

I could recognize the voice. I could feel it inside me... I could feel a connection to the person yet I couldn't identify them, not even the gender. I could even recognize the feeling and the sense of home. But feeling pain and being paralyzed and tired wasn't the time to be observant. I couldn't be.

After a while, I could hear come yelling but I couldn't see or focus on it. At all. It was too much to handle right now. I wasn't even in the house. I just wanted to sleep and never wake up again... But that's not possible... Is it?

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