Chapter 28

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"I'll be right back."

"No!" Akiya jumped to her feet, grabbing the back of Camelia's jacket as she tried to walk away getting her to look back at her in fear. "No! Don't bring her! I don't want to see her!"

Camelia blinked before she glared. "Excuse me? What happened? I was only gone for a few minutes. You can't just-"

"I am not talking to you right now!" Akiya shouted, pulling Camelia in by the shoulders and forcing her to look at her. "I love you. I love you with every part of my being. But I'm not ready! I can't have a kid with you! I can't- I'm scared! I'm terrified! What if I'm not good enough!? What if they spend their entire life trying to live up to the train wreck that is me!?" Akiya shook her head before pulling the fake Camelia into a hug.

"I want to spend the rest of my eternity with you. I want to do everything with you and at some point yes, I want to have a kid, or even kids with you. But I can't even pretend that this is something I can do as I am now. I know you want them. I'm not stupid. You want a family and I know that, but I need time." Akiya confessed.

The woman in Akiya's arms vanished, and the room melted into the shadows that poured out from every crack bathing her in darkness once more.

She looked around, her heart still pounding in her chest. She was trying to find some way to escape. To flee from this nightmare. Truthfully she wanted to kill these idiots so she could sit down and have a long discussion with her wife of things that needed to be said.

But the darkness remained.

"NOKIYA!" Akiya yelled out. "CAMELIA! Are you okay!?"

"It's okay to be scared." Camelia's voice called back. Akiya spun around to look at who she could only assume was her Camelia standing a few feet away from her. The woman was back in her normal clothing, her hair tied back up in her warrior's bun though it looked a little disheveled. She had her left hand over the base of her metallic arm, likely feeling the phantom pain of whatever nightmare she had been exposed to.

"I know it is!" Akiya answered. If this was an illusion or not she knew Camelia was actually listening. "I'll never tell you no. I'll never tell you never! I want a family with you! I want to have a kid or kids with you! But I'm terrified. I can't... I can't now."

"I knew this bothered you, but I don't think I realized how much until now." Camelia confessed, looking up into the multicolored eyes of the woman she was completely in love with. "I knew it scared you. But this isn't just fear."

"I don't want them to have a childhood like mine."

"You lived in a castle."

"I was ripped away from everything I cared about so I wasn't sold off to be someone else's trophy!" Akiya snapped.

"You would even consider doing that to your child!?"

"Do you think my dad wanted to send me away!? He hated every moment of it! Even now every time he looks at me I can see the pain on his face! The worst part is I don't even think I'm his real daughter!"

Camelia blinked. "What? Don't say things-"

"I'm one part of a God yeah? How can someone who's not a god give birth to an actual one?"

"What does this have to do with having a child?"

"What does that make my child? My son or daughter? Are they a demi-god? What does that mean for their childhood? If I'm half god, are they one quarter god? Are they going to be hunted for the rest of their life? Are they going to have to give up on their childhood like Mari and Enya just to throw themselves into battle for the sake of protecting people they haven't even met yet?"

Dragon Realm 2 : The Ebonforge (Lesbian Story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant