Chapter 15

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The twins looked up in awe as the small tunnel finally opened into a gargantuan underground cavern. The ceiling was covered in glowing metallic orbs attached to the ceiling and walls by metal beams. The orbs glowed with a spiralling gold magic casting a golden light over everything. They were standing at the top of a large staircase, towering over a stone and steel city with huge towers and spires. The sheer size of the city itself seemed to rival even the city of Nightshade, or even Augerheim. It stretched on for what felt like miles in this underground cave. Like this space had been carved out for the city itself.

Beyond it, specs of multicolored lights blinked in and out of view in the darkness. Akiya assumed that to be the underground forests, but her gaze continued to return to the beauty of the sprawling city infront of them. The stone was delecately carved with Dwarven symbols etched into the stonework itself. Steel, bronze and gold plates attached to the walls of some of these stone structures like they were assiting in holding them together. The corners of most of the buildings were held together in this way with large corner pieces of metal attached to the larger buildings. The smaller ones simply had smaller metallic plates there.

Thousands of pipes stretched throughout the city, some made of solid metal, and others made of glass. The ones made of glass had metal rings welding them to the stonework and held the similar glowing blue energy shooting through them. There were smaller blue orbs attached lamp posts set in the cityscape.

"This is awesome." Akiya muttered, staring at the city.

"I take it you still don't have things like this above ground?" Tungrik asked.

"Yeah. Your ways have been forgotten to us." Nokiya explained. "Even the old ruins we had didn't have any source of information to learn from. We just knew things like this existed."

"Our people did not trust other races with our knowlege. It's why Ebonforge was sealed away. We learned quickly that few of your kind were powerful enough to overwelm our large numbers if we were not prepared." Tungrik explained.

"Our kind? You mean Dragons or Demons?" Ariadne asked.

"Both." Grogrel nodded.

"Dragon's learned a bit from your craftsmanship, but we didn't pick up your building styles." Nokiya explained.

"This is awesome!" Akiya grinned. She held her shield up and allowed Camelia to drop down a few steps ahead of them where she too looked around in awe.

"This is beautiful." Camelia agreed. "It's a shame your people need to stay hidden."

"It's important that we do." Dustrack growled. "The world is not ready for our people."

"You haven't been above ground so how would you know?" Akiya asked.

"Because if it was, we wouldn't be worrying about an evil sorceress trying to destroy the world." Dustrack snapped back.

Akiya stopped to glare at the Dwarf, getting him to grip his spear a little tighter. "There will always be good and evil. It will always be a balancing act that will always exist. Take it from Chaos and Order, we're always fighting and butting heads. But that's how it is and will always be. You can blame the whole for the actions of the few, but that will get you no where."

The angry dwarf grumbled but continued following them down the stairs. The staircase ended in a large courtyard, with several smaller walls set as a defense towards the entrances to the tunnels. There were almost a hundred more dwarves stationed there, watching the group cautiously as they made their way towards the hundred foot tall metal wall.

They quickly noticed the gold and bronze colored metal armor the dwarves were wearing, and the small glowing blue wires that seemed to spread under the metalic plates. Their helmets looked like they were shaped in an almost Roman style, with a mohawk over the metal helmets. Only the mohawks themselves were made of a blue flame that crackled above their heads. There were another gust of that blue flame on their shoulders and backs like the armor was spitting out access energy or power. They were holding gold weapons with the same blue wires built into parts of the weapons.

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