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Author's POV

Taehyung was rolling from one side to other and only one thing was going on in his mind

"I-I'll leave tomorrow" ~Yoongi

“N-no” he said

He got up from his bed and ran towards Yoongi's room and opened the door

“Yoong-” He stopped as he saw an empty room

Taehyung was tensed again as he thought Yoongi left already. He entered the room, sat on the bed and was crying “Yoongi I'm sorry.. I'm sorry I spoke like that to you.. I am so stupid.. I'm so bad” Taehyung was sobbing but he heard a door opening sound and there comes Yoongi from the washroom.

Taehyung immediately ran towards him and was sobbing while hugging him. “Tae what happened? You saw a nightmare or something?” Yoongi said while patting his back

“Even worse than a nightmare. I thought you left me again. I am sorry Yoongi” Taehyung said as he broked the hug

“Sorry? For what? It's me who should say sorry. It's me who did a mistake not you. Now stop crying I said I'll never leave you alone” Yoongi said softly

“Oh really?? Who said "I'll leave tomorrow" ?” Taehyung asked

“Me. I thought you hate me now. You said you hate them who-”

“But I know after you realize you will never do it so I wanted you to realize not to leave me. You are such a brainless person who always finds *ʰⁱᵗ* ways *ʰⁱᵗ* to *ʰⁱᵗ* escape *ʰⁱᵗ* from*ʰⁱᵗ* me *ʰⁱᵗ* numbskull” Taehyung said while hitting Yoongi's shoulder playfully again

“Yeah you will make my shoulder red even though you hit playfully, you hit frequently and it hurts you dumbo!” Yoongi said

“What? Dumbo? Me?....Ready for the punishment?” Taehyung said as he started tickling Yoongi and Yoongi can't even make noise while laughing as it's past 2 am midnight

“N-now -hahah stop! Eomoni and Appa will wake up!” Yoongi said and Taehyung finallly stopped “Yeahh and if Mom comes to know that we are together at midnight then she will make me suffer the whole day” Taehyung said

“I didn't get you” Yoongi said

“You will never get me. Well, she knows we love each other and everything. And she is happy with that and has no problems. That's the reason she keeps asking me stupid questions and teases me! Seriously?! A mother teasing her son for being in a relationship! Isn't it something imaginary thing?” Taehyung said and Yoongi was laughing at what he just heard

“That's really so good! Don't complain” Yoongi said

“Yeahh yeahh she asked me in the restaurant if we used protection” Taehyung spatted

“Protection?” Yoongi asked as it was out of his mind and he couldn't think of a mom saying about...

“Condom” Taehyung said and Yoongi choked on air “Now say It's good don't complain” Taehyung said in a joking manner and faking annoyance

“Uhh..I can't say anything on it though” Yoongi said and they both started giggling

“You don't need to *chuckle*. Yoongi? You are not leaving okay? You will stay here” Taehyung said


“No” Yoongi said bluntly “I'll leave tomorrow”

Again tears started flowing through Taehyung's cheeks in a second and as soon as Yoongi saw that “Hey Tae I was joking! I'm here! I'm for ever with you!!” Yoongi said as he pulled Taehyung into a tight hug

𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐞||𝐓𝐚𝐞𝐠𝐢❦︎ᶜᵒᵐᵖˡᵉᵗᵉᵈ✓Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang