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_3rd April_

Author's POV

Today is finally the day they will audition for BigHit!

Now it's 6:00 in the morning. Taehyung and Yoongi woke up at exactly 5:30am today as they are supposed to reach the respective university for the auditions by 7:30 at least i.e. 30mins before the gates would open or else the lines are really big and would take the whole day. (A/n: I don't know if this is the way they take auditions in Korea. In India it happens in this way... I'm writing these all on my personal experience and sorry if it's not the exact way it is being held in South Korea)

Taehyung called Mrs Min and said her to keep the birth certificate and 4 passport size photos of Yoongi ready. Taehyung told her about the audition as they had no choice. Without the birth certificate, the participants will not be allowed to audition and the photos are needed to be sticked in the form.

After waking up they did their morning routine. Taehyung did his vocal warm ups like tongue thrilling, lips thrilling, Staccato Hooking, breathing exercises etc etc.

After all these they go downstairs for their breakfast. The whole family was awake in the early morning for the preparations.

"Good Morning!" Mrs Kim said smiling brightly at Yoongi and Taehyung.

"Good Morning mom!(Eomoni!)" Taegi said in unison

"Sit down and have your breakfast quick! We have no time left! See it's 7:30 now!!"

"But mom I see it's only 6:50 yet"

"Are you arguing with me?" Mrs Kim said narrowing her eyes "No, saying the truth!" Taehyung said making a boring face

"Yeah eat" Mrs Kim said as Taehyung rolled his eyes. While rolling it fell on Yoongi "Yoongi? Why are you so silent now?"

"Huh? Umm no it's just that I don't talk much while eating" Yoongi said. No doubt it was true but their was another reason too. He never got the love from his parents that Taehyung got. He was just happy for Taehyung and sad for himself in this case

"Yoongi, I know you are missing your Eomma right? You can also take me as your Eomma. I already see you as my son" Mrs Kim said "Or son in-law?" Mrs Kim said whispering in Taehyung's ears making him choke on his food

"Yah Mom you seem to be more excited then us!!" Taehyung said whining

"I mean auditions" Taehyung said as he noticed Yoongi looking at him with confused looks

"Yeah Yoongi? Don't feel lonely! Your Eomma is good and your Appa is just not understanding. I'm sure all these will solve soon and they will accept you along with music. Taehyung is with you, his Appa is there and me too! We love you as much as we love Taehyung. We are a family alright? Don't feel shy or nervous or anything. It's your home too. I'll clean the guest room today after you both leave and that would be your own room today onwards!" Mrs Kim said very excitedly as she was very happy

"But-" Yoongi was refusing

"You think you can argue with me and win huh?" Mrs Kim cut Yoongi's sentence

"Uhh-" Then Yoongi laughs out of awkwardness scratching the back of his neck. Taehyung could help but giggle at what was happening

"Good! Now finish the breakfast. Now it's 7:00, you both already wasted 10 minutes. Hurry up!" Mrs Kim said leaving the dining room as he heads to the kitchen

After that, they finish their breakfast quickly and leave the house along with Mr Kim.

They first to go Yoongi's place to take the birth certificate. No, Yoongi didn't meet Mrs Min. The car was parked not near his house and only Taehyung went, took the certificate and 4 passport size photos of Yoongi and came back. Mrs Min wished him a best of luck and also told to wish Yoongi from her side.

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