c h a p t e r - f i f t e e n

Start from the beginning

"Cool then," she said and left his arm as she started walking ahead, "We need to keep on drinking lots and lots of water," she said again dramatically putting her hands up in the air. Shivansh shook his head with a small smile. She looked back and frown when she saw Shivansh still glued to his position as he kept looking at her with amusement in his eyes but he moved his gaze way rapidly when their eyes met. Aayrah ran towards him and held his wrist.

"Come on, let's go," she said dragging him along and he involuntarily followed her.

The trek was relatively easier but they had to go to a higher altitude. The height was that of 1400ft.  Usually these high altitude lakes are difficult to reach and needs days of hiking and crossing difficult terrains, before the sight of the lake can be cherished. So, Aayrah basically lied to Shivansh when she said the trek will be over in two days. She knew he won't accompany her without Chirag and Ahana if he knew it will go for days. So she thought that she would tell him when they reach the first camp which was at Rola Kholi. But she did inform Chirag that they will be back in 4 days and he didn't have any problem which was good thing for her. He said Ahana and him will find something or other to do and also promised her to not leave Ahana's side at least until she was back to be with her again. Ahana anyway didn't like hiking and beside that she found it difficult to stay sane at a higher altitude so that was another reason Aayrah refrained her sister from coming here and instead made Shivansh accompany her on this long journey.

Aayrah had a stick with her which would have helped her climb this mountain. She was smiling in her monopod while walking beside Shivansh and in between pointing the camera at him to make him awkward. She would laugh seeing his face and go back to shooting the drop-dead gorgeous surroundings. The meadows on the Bhrigu Lake trek were stretched far and wide – almost like an endless carpet and the grassland spread across the acres of land along with snow-clad mountains giving the most beautiful background. The trees stood tall as they walked through them. The grazing sheep would look up when they would come out of the treeline, almost as if it was there to greet them. Shivansh held his camera high to capture the wild horses who would gallop from beside.  

The mountains of Pir Panjal and Dhauladhar were dominating the crystal blue skyline. Bhrigu Lake trek is known for the lake steeped in mythology. It is known as the place where the famous saint Maharishi Bhrigu sat in deep meditation in the banks of the lake hundreds and hundreds of years ago. Even the locals believe that many Gods of the Kullu valley have dipped in the holy waters of the lake making it sacred for the devotees. 

The steep ascent left many travelers for lost of breaths and they took halts in the virgin forest. The view of Manali was magnificent while they went higher and Aayrah felt guilty for not asking Ahana to come along with them. It was the best yet in Manali and she wished her sister to be there with her but as she was aware of Ahana's phobia for high altitude treks and this trek was for four days, so she couldn't ask her. She would have said a flat no and would have made Aayrah to cancel her plan as well. Shivansh took a few deep breaths and Aayrah gave him a worried look but he assured her that he was doing just fine. The different forests of silver oak, cedar and birch trees were pleasant and as they went higher the temperature got lower. Aayrah was glad that Shivansh made sure to fill up enough water to keep them hydrated and provide them with enough oxygen in this thin air.

After 2 hours of steepness the gradual ascent felt pretty comforting and they were already at their destination at the height of 10,500ft. The wide smile and contentment on the faces of trekkers was evidence of the spectacular view in front of their eyes. Shivansh was afraid to blink the eyes in fear that he will miss something. He clicked a few pictures but those were nothing in comparison to what he was seeing at front. He looked around for Aayrah who was running around with her monopod. He chuckled shaking his head a little and clicked her pictures when she was unaware. He stared at them for a few moments not knowing what was it about her that was pulling him towards her but he didn't complain as he felt happier in her presence. He smiled again and moved his gaze to the mountains at front. This was by far the best thing that he saw in their trip till now which wasn't even in the program but this was a must to be seen by everyone coming to Manali.

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