Very random I know

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Contains strong language..

Me: *Chilling at school*

Everyone in Truth or Dare: "What'ya doing?"

Me: Ah.. Jesus Christ! *falls off chair* Ow...

Tygren: UwU

Me: Wut?

Tygren: I like seeing you fall of chairs.

Me: I fell down the stairs when I was younger ;-;

Tygren: Probably even funnier xD

Katara: *Slaps Tygren*

Me: Falling down stairs hurts.. It would be very bad if I did it now and at school.. -_-

Zulius: Why?

Me: The only problem with this school is the amount of stairs it has. IT HAS SO MANY WHAT THE HELL?!?!

Everyone: 0-0

Me: Exactly. OnO

Me: I'm bored.

Tygren: I dare you to fall down the stairs.

Me: Really???!

Tygren: Yes. Do it.

Me: No. I am NOT falling down these stairs!

Tygren: Aww, you afraid of hurting yourself.

Me: *Slaps Tygren twice and pushes him* Hehe

Tygren: !!!!!

Me: This hooman fights back. *Thinks about PE* I WANNA DO RUGBY NOT RUN FKING 2X600M :,(

Everyone: What's rugby?

Me: A sport I used to. I stopped when it got to contact, with violence, but I sorta regret it now. :<

Tygren: >:)

Me: 'Aight.. I'ma head off to the changing rooms and get my kit.

Me: *Ends the chapter*

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