I got le tag.

196 5 35

What are your favourite kind of books?

I like books that have lots of adventure in it. Or WW2 books. Fiction I also enjoy :)

Five things about myself:

- I can be very quiet, but when I want to, everything comes out.
- I love Queen, I've done so much fanart on the band.
- I'm a music freak, I play the cello UwU
- I also like How To Train Your Dragon
- I live in a country that's half under the sealevel lmao.

A spoiler for one of your books:

Kat loves someone and might have kids.. I don't know yet though.

Your favourite ships:
Senn x Ria
Vulcannus x Abbigail
Katara x Almrak (TD'sD)
Ingressus x Karayna (TD'sD)
Thalleous x Aurora (TSGW)

I don't know other normal ships, people that know me on Discord know I am very cursed xD

Tag 5-15 people:
(Why do I have to do this-)


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