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Me:  *chilling and writing something*

Tygren:  *appears*  What are you doing?

Me: Writing something highly classified. No-one is allowed to know about it untill the Prologue is released.

Tygren: *is interested

Me: Don't you even dare, Tygren.

Tygren: What?

Tygren: *lunges for my laptop and steals it

Me: TYGRENNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tygren: *runs*

Me: *chases*

Tygren: *stops for a brief second *

Me: *yeets a chair at him*

Tygren: *continues running*

Me: Give me my laptop back!

Tygren: Not untill you spoiler at least something!

Me: Like I said! No spoilers untill Prologue is done!

Weather: *makes a very strong wind bc it feels like it*

(A.N:  When I wrote this, the wind was being a pain in the &ss.)

Me: Oh no.

Tygren: . . .

Tygren: *looks at my laptop*  Collision Course . What's that?

Me: *screams incoherent Dutch and slaps Tygren, getting her laptop back*

Me: NO!

A.N: Collision Course [CC] is a project a few others and I are working on.
Haven't got very far though.
Time to disturb them >:)





 OkAy, mild spoilers who I'm working with lmao.
You guys, pls check the doc (if you can access it) and I'll do the same.
Not the best form of communication, Ik. But that happens when two are on a long af hiatus o-o

Anyways, this do be a silly way to teaser smth and yeah... I may or may not start writing today.
It's cuz school exists.

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