''Let's check it out,'' Alec spoke, not wanting to hear the mundane flirting with his sister.

Olivia and Clary tried to move after the three shadowhunters, but before they could even take a step forward, Jace stepped in front of them. Placing a hand on Clary's shoulder and holding out his free arm in front of Olivia, he spoke, ''Wait here a minute. I wanna see if it's safe.''

The brunette raised her eyebrows but didn't say anything and simply watched as the three experienced shadowhunters walked a bit away from them.

''Why are we doing this?'' Simon quizzed, looking between the two with a slight frown on his face. ''We don't even know these people.'' he used his arm to indicate towards Alec, Jace, and Izzy, who were (from the looks of it) having their own separate conversation.

Clary sighed. ''I just wished mom had trusted me enough to tell me about all this.''

Me too, Clary. Me too, Olivia sighed. But unfortunately, our mom didn't trust us. She never had.

She again sighed and leaned against the van's side, stuffing her hands inside the pockets of her jeans and looking up at the full moon that shone dangerously in the night sky. So much had happened in the last few hours-- their mother had gotten kidnapped and they had been thrown into the supernatural world where demons and warlocks and seelies and everything else that was never supposed to exist existed. Not to mention the fact that they had a sudden responsibility for finding the Mortal Cup: an instrument that could basically save or doom the entire world--and yet, Olivia had a feeling that all of this was just the beginning.

''Clary, Olivia.''

Olivia was pulled out of her thoughts by Jace's casual calling out of their names.  ''Come on, it's all clear.'' he confirmed and outstretched his hand in the red-haired girl's direction.

''Let's go.''  Clary smiled at the two and walked towards where Jace was waiting for her. He briefly turned his attention towards Olivia before looking back at the younger girl, who took his hand and smiled at him. ''Shall we?''

''We shall.'' he grinned and the two started to walk (hand in hand) towards the City of Bones, leaving a slightly worried Olivia and a reluctant Simon to follow after them.

Olivia was careful enough to watch her step. The ground was full of puddles and she was in no mood to get her boots or clothes stained with muddy water. 

As she jumped around a third puddle, her eyes landed on the image that was being reflected across the puddle's water and she found herself sucking in her breath sharply.

The moon's reflection was more haunting than anything else she had ever seen. Glowing brightly against the dark sky, it seemed to Olivia as if the celestial body would devour her at any given second.

''Olivia,'' Simon called out once he saw that the older girl had frozen in her spot and was staring at the puddle with fearful eyes. '' What's wrong?'' he asked, hurrying up to the girl's side and frowning in confusion, ''What happened?''

''Nothing.'' Olivia shook her head and sighed, ''We should go. Come on.''  she started moving in the direction that Jace and Clary had walked by a few minutes ago. After hesitating for a few seconds, Simon followed after her.

After trailing through the area for what felt like hours, Simon and Olivia finally reached the place where Izzy and Alec were waiting for them. Surprisingly enough, they reached there before Jace and Clary did.

Once Jace and Clary joined them, the group quickly made their way to the entrance of a huge cave that had torches lit up on either of its sides and had its opening decorated with a small black gate that had a very scary-looking skeleton dangling from the wall that was beside it.

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