Chapter 18

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My King,

I trust that my report is to your liking. While our victory at Gondor was a blessing, we were dealt heavy casualties. The enemy has enlisted the help of many races we have not heard from in centuries. Which is what makes Sauron all the more dangerous. I hope that any darkness that has made its way far north has been held off. There is something I did not include yet. Our plan to try and end it all. There are a lot of risks we are taking, but we have gathered information that we must act on now. We will not gain another chance such as this.

We march on the Black Gates. I cannot indulge in why we are doing something so risky in case this is intercepted. But I trust the one that leads us. There is no guarantee that this will work. This will be our last stand for all of Middle-earth. If we win, the darkness will be gone. Hopefully forever. If we lose at least we can say that we fought till our last breath. That we tried and did not go down lying on our backsides. I wish the creatures of Mordor could see what an army of Dwarves could unleash on them. I'm sure it would be a sight to behold, much like what happened during the Battle of the Five Armies.

I hope this is not my last letter to you. I hope when this is all over, I can send you confirmation that we've survived. I have high hopes that we will be successful. But if we fail, do not mourn over Gimli and I. Celebrate us as warriors with drinks and songs. There is no time to be filled with sorrow for the darkness will be coming. Erebor, Dale, and the Iron Hills must be ready. The same goes for the Woodland Realm. Make use of the armory my mother and I have grown with our kin. Unleash hundreds of Dwarves on the scum that threaten everything we have worked for. I know you have one last grand fight left in you, my king, hold nothing back.

And above all else give them hell.

All my love,


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