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If you didn't is teagan and ky is kylie😬

Gilinskys POV
We where decided to go to the mall since we leave
Memphis tomorrow night.
*at mall*
"Hey I have to talk to teagan." I told sammy.
I told teagan to come on.and we sat down at a table at the food court.
"So what was that pool thing about?" I asked..
She stared at me...
"Come on just tell me..."
"Fine.." She said.
"Well...there was.."
"Stop...tell me what happened on Twitter first."
Ets POV.
"Stop..Tell me what happened on Twitter first.."
Those words made me think back to what they where calling me...
I could feel tears falling down my cheeks...
how did he know?
He looked at me..
Gave me a really big hug.
"Fine.." I said in-between breathes
"Well on Twitter these girls where calling me a b*tch and a w***e and a sl*t.abd saying sh**y thing about me that weren't true...
That night after you and jack left the room and sammy went to bed,I went to the bathroom and grabbed the piece of glass from her bag." I could see tears coming in his eyes.
"And I cut my wrist.." I said trying not to cry..
He took my wrist that where laying on the table and rolled my sleeves up..
He looked at me and walked over to me and gave me a hug and whispered to me "please don't do it anymore please."
"just don't tell sammy he's gonna be pissed at me.."
Johnson POV
Sam,ky,and I where walking around the mall Kylie barley ever talked.
"What store do you wanna go to?" I asked her.
"FURRY BABIES!" Sammy said..
"I was asking ky.."
"It's fine we can go to furry babies."
After we went to some stores we meet up with teagan and jack.
We decided to leave after that.
I feel that teagan and Kylie are hiding something from us.
I headed gilinksy tell Johnson something like..
'et just told me that she cuts and rumors on Twitter..'
I texted et even tho she was right across from me
-you told jack about your wrist??..
-yea...he knew about Twitter...
-nvm..but why did u ask me that?
-he told Johnson.
-oh sh*t!😔
-I hope he dosent tell sammy..

The wilkinson twinsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora