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Sammy POV
We got in the car and drove to Starbucks cause they wanted something.then we went to Walmart..they got beats.
We where meeting the jacks at the airport...
__at airport..___
There where tons of fans
Teagan went ahead and talked to some of them while Kylie just ran to the bathroom crying...I didn't hear what happened.

Kylie POV

I walked to the bathroom to cry my eyes out there...
They where saying..
"Wow what a ugly b**ch"
and rude things like that...
I heard someone come in and walked back..but it was just teagan.
"Sam said to get you come on.." She said..
"O-k" I said in between breaths
"Are you okay?"
"Yea..I'm fine.."
"Whatever.." She mumbled under her breath.
And we walked out..
I saw teagan whisper something in sams ear..
__on plane.

Sammy of course had to sit next to me.
"Hey are you okay?and bs honest."
I just liked at him and tears fell out of my eyes..
"Tell me what happened."
"...I don't want to right now." I said
"Then you're telling me later." He said.
And I nodded.

Teagan POV

I say next to gilinksy. And Johnson sat next to sammy,and Kylie.

Me and gilinksy played would you rather.
4 hours later.
We finally landed and I grabbed my back pack from the ground.
And we all walked off the plane.
Kylie POV.
The plane landed.
Sammy woke me up to tell me we landed.
we all got off the plane.
of course more fans.
"I'll be back in gonna fix my makeup." I said.
sammy gave a weird look..
I walked to the bathroom when 5 fans came running up to me.
"O my godddd you're sammys sister!!!"
"You're my idol!"
"You're so pretty can we take a picture?"
"Thanks.and of course."
After we took a picture they ran over to the rest of them.
So that's what it feels like to be called pretty...
I went into the bathroom and fixed my mascara and eyeliner. And thought...maybe this tour won't be that bad..but still had to tell Sammy what happened earlier...

The wilkinson twinsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon