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Jack (g) POV.
"Who are you?" Teagan asked me
Those words put tears to my eyes...she has to remember me! Why God why her!!?
"I'm-" she cut me off
"Wait you're Jack...my boyfriend?" She asked.
"Ya..you remember me?" I asked really exited.
"Kinda..." She sighed
"Do you know why we are here?"
"I'm pregnant?" She asked worried
"Noo! We got into a car accident.."
"Do you know who your brother and sisters are?" I asked her hopefully she knows them.
"Umm..sam?" She asked
"That's your brothers name.. Kylie and Peyton are your sisters names."
the doctor walked in and said "she has lost some of her memory but will get it back in 1-2 weeks"
"okay..when will she be able to go home?"
"As soon as we get a older sibling over the age of 18 or parent/ guardian."
"Here I'll give you her older brothers number, _________"
Kylie POV
I heard someone's phone go off.
I walked into the game room and sammy a phone was lying there ringing.
"The hospital?!" I whispered
"THE HOSPITAL!???!!" I yelled Kenny and sammy ran into the room
"Give me my phone.." Sammy told me while snatching it out of my hand.
*after phone call*
"Well..they said that teagan and Jack are in the hospital, Jack hurt his arm in the car accident" my eyes starting to fill up with tears.." And teagan only can remember a few things."
"Does she know who I am?!" I asked worried
"I don't know.." He said while looking down.
Kenny came over and sat next to me and wrapped his arms around me.
"It's okay." He whispered.
I looked at him and smiled.
His eyes😍 I thought to myself..
It was around 7:30 and some people where eating dinner and the bus was parked at sonic.
"I'm gonna take a walk." I said
"Not by your self at almost 8 and in the middle of no where." Sammy said
"I'll go with." Kenny said.
San we walked off the bus.
"D-do you think teagan will remember me?" I asked him
"In a few days maybe" he replied
"It shouldn't have been her in that car accident, she's like my best friend" I could tell he was just staring at me while tears formed " and I want her to remember me."
I looked down.
I looked at my phone
•2 new messages
-sammy🌚; where are you? Come on we are leaving soon. < 3 minuets ago>
-Johnson💩; come on we are going to the hospital to see your sister and Jack! <1 minute ago>
"We have to go!"
I told Kenny.

The wilkinson twinsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon