"Come on bud, dinner is ready." Greg said and made grabby hands. Theo kissed Niall's bump and got off the bed running towards his father.

When they had gone, Niall beckoned Harry to sit next to him on the bed. "You okay?" He asked.

Harry wasn't okay, the Horans were far too nice to him, he hated himself for all he'd done and he was dreading the day they'd find out.

"Yeah." Harry said, not wanting to worry Niall with his thoughts. "I'm okay, your family is amazing."

Niall saw right through Harry but he respected his decision of not wanting to talk about it yet, so he just rubbed his thigh with a smile.

"Don't worry about anything, babe. The past is in the past, where it belongs." He said and Harry hugged him tightly, burrying his face in the crook of Niall's neck.

After that they left to go and have dinner.


It had been a week and five days since Niall and Harry had gone to Ireland.

Harry was enjoying staying with the Horans and true to his word, Niall hadn't told them anything.

He had decided that he would tell them when the baby was born. He couldn't stay with Niall and their child for a long time without letting them know. They were too good to him.

Harry had just gotten off the phone with Liam and he and Niall were about to sleep.

The next day was Niall's due date and he was so anxious. He couldn't sleep, that's why he had called Liam and the older lad had calmed his nerves some.

He lay down on his back, eyes trained on the celling and he smiled when Niall curled up against his body, in his sleep.

Harry's eyes were just about to droop shut when he heard Niall's small voice calling for him.


If he hadn't been awake a along and if the house wasn't dead quiet, Harry wouldn't have heard Niall's call.

"Yes, Ni? Are you okay?" He called, urgency laced in his voice.

"I have to pee, can you carry me to the bathroom?" He giggled making Harry sigh in relief. He thought something was wrong with Niall.

"Sure thing, babe." Harry stood up and went to pick Niall up but the latter scrunched up his face.

"What's going on?" Harry asked again.

"It's nothing, I have just been feeling this slight pain all day. It comes and goes and it only takes seconds to a minute." He explained and stood up on his feet.

As soon as Niall was on his feet, he felt liquid wet his sweats and drip down to the floor.

Harry's eyes were blown wide, as he watched Niall.

"I peed myself." Niall said shyly and blushed a deep red but Harry shook his head.

"Baby that is not pee," Harry shivered because he knew it was happening and he was so not ready for this. "I'll go wake up Maura."

Within a few moments, Harry was back in Niall's room with Maura and Bobby.

When the older woman saw what was happening, she quickly asked Harry to help Niall with a quick shower while she and Bobby prepared everything necessary for the arrival of the baby.

When Niall was done and dressed in sweats and a jumper, Harry helped him downstairs and out the door where the car was already waiting.


"Ahh!" Niall screamed out in pain and squeezed his mother's hand tighter. They were on their way to the hospital and Bobby was driving because Harry was too freaked out to think properly, much less drive. "Can you go any faster! I'm dying here!!" He panted.

Maura who was sat with Niall in the back, wiped her son's forehead and kissed it.

"We are almost there, baby. Hang in there." She said just as Bobby drove through the hospital entrance.

As soon as the car was parked, Harry rushed out and went to get help. He soon came back with nurses and a wheelchair.

They helped Niall in it and wheeled him in. Harry was by his side holding his hand. During the drive to the hospital, he had managed to calm himself down and was holding himself pretty well.

Also his mum had given him a little pep talk when he had called her to let her know that Niall was in labour.

They were soon led to a room where the nurses were gonna prepare Niall for the Cesarean.

Niall was still whimpering in pain and it broke both Maura and Harry's hearts to see him in such pain but after the epidural, he seemed a little bit calmer.

When the door opened again, much to Niall and Harry's surprise, Ben walked in followed by another doctor they all didn't recognize.

"Ben." Niall smiled at him. "You came?"

Ben chuckled and nodded. "I did promise, didn't I?" Ben smiled at the parents to be.

He then introduced them to the other doctor and the person who would spear head the operation. She was a friendly middle aged woman with a kind smile and Niall immediately liked her.

The doctor greeted Niall, Harry and and the grand parents. She then turned to the nurses to ask about the situation and read through the report.

"We are gonna take him to the delivery ward and when he gets back, you'll get to meet the baby." She smiled at the grand parents and looked at Harry, handing him scrubs. "Here you can wear these. That's if you wanna be in the delivery room."

Harry nodded eagerly and stumbled around putting on the scrubs, almost falling on his arse and making Niall giggle.

When they were all set, Niall was ready to give birth.

"We'll be here waiting for you, baby. Be safe, we love." Maura kissed his cheek and smiled at Harry.

Bobby too kissed Niall's forehead and while he was being taken to the OR, Bobby decided to ring up Greg and tell him of the developments as he was back at his house.

Meanwhile, Harry squeezed Niall's hand that was in his grasp and smiled at him when the latter looked up.

"I love you, Ni. Thanks for making me a father." Harry said and Niall smiled back.

"I love you too, but you aren't yet a father." He pointed out.

"I'll soon be." Harry said just as they reached the delivery room. "It's time."       

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