Chapter 2 - Diagon Alley

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          After walking for a couple of minutes, I sit on the curb. I think back to the letter I received. Wait on the streets at night and a bus will pick you up, that's what the letter said. So that's what I did. I waited for about 5 minutes before I heard a loud honk of a horn. I look up to see a three-story bus speeding down the street. 

          I quickly get up when the bus comes to an abrupt stop in front of me. I take a step back when the door opens and a man walks out.

          "Leah? Pleased to meet you. My name's Stan Shunpike," The man greeted before heading back into the bus but he turns around when he realizes that I didn't follow him inside."Well? What are you waiting for? Hop in so that we can take you to the Leaky Caldron."

          I take a cautious step inside the bus and take in my surroundings. The bus was full of beds and it was quite a mess. I step all the way on the bus and Stan takes my trunk from me and puts it on a rack. 

          "You may choose any bed you like. Professor McGonagall has already paid for your ride so just sit back and relax. Now get on with it!" Stan slapped the driver on the back and the bus lurched forward.

          To be honest I didn't pay much attention to where we were heading. All I was focused on was not dying. The driver sucked at driving. He almost hit about 20 people and he did this weird thing where he made the bus very thin. Let's just say that I never want to think or talk about that ever again. About 20 minutes later the bus lurched to a halt and the door opened. 

          "Here you are Miss Leah," Stan said handing me my trunk. "Just head inside and tell the clerk your name and he'll show you to your room."

          Right as I stepped off the bus, it zoomed away. I looked at the building in front of me and took a deep breath. 'I brought this on myself. I chose to run away from everything I ever knew. I can't turn around now.' I walk inside and immediately feel calm. For the first time in my life, I take off my headband, not afraid of what others think. 

         I slowly take in my surroundings, spinning in a circle. The room is so big, bigger than what I'm used to. I see many people enjoying themselves and having a drink. I take one more deep breath and walk over to the clerk. 

          "Hi, my name's Leah. I was told that there was a room here waiting," I said when the clerk turned to face me.

          "Ah yes, Miss Leah. We have been awaiting your arrival. Please, follow me." With that, I follow the clerk up the stairs. 

          After about a floor or two I ask, "Do you happen to know how to get to Diagon Alley?"

          He chuckles, "Professor McGonagall told me that you might ask that. Yes, I do know how to get to Diagon Alley. I take you to the entrance tomorrow." 

          "Thanks," I say.

          For the rest of the way to my room, we don't talk. But I could tell he kept glancing over at me. Mostly glancing at my forehead. Okay, so maybe uncovering my scar was not the best idea. So I quickly grabbed my headband and put it back on and when we finally make it to my room I quickly tell the clerk thank you and shut my door. 

          Ugh! I knew that I still wouldn't find I place to call my own! I thought that maybe here with other wizards and witches I wouldn't be judged by my scar. But here I am, still having to hide my scar from the bloody world! How could I have been so stupid as to think that this was the right choice?

          I sit on the bed and try to hold in the tears. But the pressure was getting to me. I knew what was coming and I couldn't stop it. My breathing was increasing and the room was getting hotter by the second. I can't focus on anything and I can feel the room begin to spin. Everything turned into a blur and the last thing I remember is seeing a pair of green eyes from a past memory. 

The Queen of Gryffindor - The Sorcerer's StoneOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora