Chapter 28

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I was beat. Physically and mentally exhausted. After spending the entire day in Giovanni's studio being waxed bare from head to toe, not to mention the makeup and hairstyle changes; my scalp hurt, my face burned. All I wanted to do was sleep for a week, but we still had to get back to our hotel.

The photoshoot was long and stressful. My art looked beautiful on display in the background, though. Giovanni had it set up to look like an art gallery. Tate looked like a god modeling the suits. He looked every bit the art connoisseur posing in the mock gallery.

My heart beat out of my chest, and I could envision my art on display in my own gallery one day.

The shoot itself was harder than it looked. The clothing changes, the ridiculous poses. Tate was a pro, though. He didn't complain once. He twisted and turned and contorted his body any way Giovanni asked him to. He smiled. He scowled. He smoldered.

Holy cow did he smolder.

It was a look I'd never get out of my head. The photographer had told him to make love to the camera. I snorted at the incredibly cliché line, but Tate's eye locked onto mine, and I just about burst into flames. There was no making love to the camera, but I felt it in his gaze.

He was making love to me with his eyes.

And the photographer and Giovanni loved it.

That was the moment they decided to shoot me with Tate.

I was nervous enough just putting on Giovanni's gorgeous designs, let alone attempting to pose and look sexy. I couldn't smolder or make love to the camera like Tate could.

I just looked constipated.

Having Tate there helped, though. He eased my fears, talked me through it, had fun with me, and before I knew it, we were laughing and joking and not at all paying attention to the photographer's request, but Giovanni ate it up.

"Pure gold," he said as he walked us out to the driver who was waiting for us. "You two are magic together." Then he shook Tate's hand and whispered in his ear.

Tate nodded and smiled. "I will," he said and stood back for Giovanni to kiss my cheeks.

"You are an angel." He released me and opened the door for me to slide into the car.

Once I was in, I slumped back in my seat and waited for Tate to climb in next to me. I yawned and rested my head on Tate's shoulder.

"So, no exploring tonight?" he asked.

"Are you kidding?"

He lifted his shoulder. "No."

"I want to sleep for eternity after that. I don't know how you do it."

"Used to it I guess."

I stifled another yawn.

"Get some sleep," he said, and he didn't need to tell me twice. I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep before we'd even left Giovanni's incredibly long driveway with Tate's fingers tracing circles on my knee.

I woke to darkness. Sitting up, I felt around me for Tate. I was no longer resting on his shoulder. Nor was I being jostled around in a moving vehicle. I was in a bed. Reaching over, I fumbled around until I found the light switch.

I was in my room.

When did that happen? How did that happen? I didn't remember getting out of the car or walking through the lobby.

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