Chapter 10

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"Come on," Eva giggled as she poured me yet another cocktail. We were well and truly wasted. "It'll be so much fun."

"We'll probably die," I insisted.

"We won't. It'll be amazing. I promise."

"Will it fit?" I screwed my nose up as she began unraveling the rubber in front of us.

"Do you trust me?"

"Not at all."


I grinned. She gave me a pleading look. One that not even the most determined person could refuse. "Okay, fine. You pump that up. I'll go and get the film ready."

"Make it something worth looking at. I want muscles and abs. Don't put one on that's all chicks or old men. Kay?"

"Yeah, yeah." I waved over my shoulder as I walked out the door.

Careful not to stumble over my own unsteady feet as the ground wobbled beneath me, I made my way out to the projector and switched it on. Eva wanted muscles and I had the perfect movie for that.

After setting up the film I went to see if Eva needed help and was knocked over by the inflatable mattress she was pushing out my door. Landing on my butt, I hissed as pain shot up my arms from my wrists when they broke my fall.


"Wren?" Eva's voice called from behind the mattress before her face appeared around the side. "What are you doing on the ground?"

"You knocked me over. And it really hurts."

"Well get up, this thing's heavier than I thought for something full of air."

"I'm fine by the way." I stood up and brushed off my hands before grabbing one side of the mattress and helping her drag it over to the edge of the pool.

"Okay, help me with the pool," she said and skipped off back to the pool house. I followed reluctantly, still not convinced this was her best idea, and helped her lift the inflatable pool as well. "Ahh, Eva?"


"What happened to my shelf?" My shelf with photo frames and vases was on the floor, glass and ceramic pieces everywhere.

"Oh, umm, the pool kind of knocked everything off." She shrugged as if it were no big deal. "We'll clean it tomorrow."

"You will clean it tomorrow. This was your hare-brained idea." I was not cleaning her mess up.

"But you agreed to it. So really, that mess is your fault. At worst, you're an accessory to the damage."

I rolled my eyes and helped her pull the kiddie pool outside before she damaged any more of my stuff.

Tate hadn't made an appearance since the party ended, so I figured he must have been inside trying to smooth things over with the crazy girlfriend. I didn't know what her problem with me was. I'd been nothing but hospitable to her since she moved into my house. She was just so rude.

We laid the pool down on the deck and placed the mattress inside to make a bed with sides. I was surprised it fit.

"Do you think it will float?" I asked, unsure of whether it would sink or not. Blow-up pools weren't meant to be used as flotation devices. Neither were mattresses, really.

"It's air. It weighs nothing."

"You just complained the mattress was too heavy with so much air."

"Let's find out then." She laughed and pushed the little pool with the mattress inside into the water. It didn't sink. "Looks good."

"Till we get in." I wasn't sure it would hold our weight too. I'd never done anything like this.

"Well," she said thoughtfully, coming to stand beside me. "Let's see."

Before I knew what was happening, her hands pressed into my back as she shoved me hard and I tumbled off the edge of the pool and straight onto the mattress.

I screamed as I went down. Arms and legs flailing around me.

"It floats," she announced with a giggle. "But I think it needs something else. Be right back."

She took off again and left me floating in the pool on our makeshift bed. Too afraid to move in case it tipped over, I laid back and relaxed, bobbing softly in the water. It was kind of peaceful. Eva returned a moment later with pillows and blankets and a jug of cotton candy cocktails.

"Press play," I told her, so she'd start the movie before getting in the pool with me.

She pressed play and frowned. "You're floating away. Get back here."

"Sure, let me just grab my oar and row back to the edge." I rolled my eyes at her. It wasn't like I could command the mattress to move.

Eva looked around and spotted the broom leaning against the pool shed. She grabbed it and held the handle out for me and pulled me to the edge. Handing me the jug of alcohol, she climbed in beside me with the pillows and blankets, making sure we were covered.

"Best idea ever," she said.

"Yeah, but umm... where are the glasses?" I waved at the jug in front of her.

Her eyes widened. "Hang on," she said and shoved her hand into her top, pulling out two straws. "There you go." She smiled proudly.


"Hmm. I don't want your boob sweat on my straw." I pushed her hand away.

"Shut up." I copped an elbow in the rib. "I'll drink it all myself then." And she snatched the jug from me.

"No, no. It's fine." I wiped the straw down on the blanket before dropping it into the jug and settling back against the pillows to watch the movie on the outdoor screen.

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