7^ Lawsuit

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"G-Get out!" Hank shouts, clearly flustered.
Corvin shrinks away, but disappears from the doorway.
Hank gets out of the tub, quickly throwing clothes on.
"Stay here," he commands. "I'll be right back." He turns the water off. "Be quiet."
"Ok." I nod. My poor, little Thirium pump beats away in my chest.
Corvin slinks into the bathroom. "Why was Hank naked?" he whispers.
     "We have a lot more to worry about than Hank being naked!" I whisper back at him.
"Ok! I'm sorry!" He hugs himself. I wish, he'd put some clothes on.
"What the fuck? Corvin! This isn't CyberLife!" Hank shouts.
"I thought, it was! Someone knocked on the door, and I got scared!" Corvin shouts back.
I sigh in relief. As long as it's not CyberLife.
"It's Gavin!"
I perk up. "Is Conan there?!"
Corvin glares at me.
"No!" Hank answers.
"Why would Conan be here?! That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard! It's his fault we're in this mess!" Corvin snaps.
"Because, I miss him!" I whine. "I just want to see him..."
Hank walks back into the bathroom. "Get out so I can finish my shower," he commands.
Corvin slinks over to the door. "But, why are you getting naked? What are you two doing? And, I'm still naked! What do I-?"
"It's none of your business," Hank groans. "Just turn yourself back into a mermaid, or whatever. It's not that hard."
"Well... ok." Corvin leaves the bathroom.
Hank shuts and locks the door behind him. He starts pulling his clothes off again. "It was just Gavin. We can talk to him, later. For now..."
"Hank~!" I squeak, happily watching him undress.
He steps back into the tub. "What were we doing?"
"You were... rubbing me," I remind him shyly.
"Right." He gets down on his knees. "You still want this?"
I nod vigorously. "Yes, please."
"Alright. Hold on." He touches himself, rubbing his hand along his length. I whimper softly at the sight of it.
"Hank..." I whisper. Arousal thrums through me, making me excited. I feel hot, and my breaths are staggered.
He rubs up on my tail again. His sensual touches work to turn me on. "Let me see it."
I swallow nervously, but I let him see me. "Be careful with me," I whisper. "Please."
"I'm not gonna hurt you, but you have to tell me when I'm hurting you. I won't try to. I might accidentally do something you don't like. You have to tell me." He takes my member in his hand. Slowly, he runs his hand up and down its length.
I hum my pleasure. "That feels really good," I approve. "Can I have more, please?"
"I can't say no to you." He leans down and kisses my tail.
I shiver in delight. "How are we going to... you know..."
Hank turns the water back on. The warm droplets spray all over me, making me wiggle happily. I love water, especially warm water. "Let's see here..." He sits back and stares at me for a second. "Turn around. You'll have to... kinda... fold your tail under you."
I do as he asks. I bring my tail up beneath me and fold it comfortably. "I'm very flexible, Hank!" I smile back at him.
     "You're so good." He presses himself into my backside. "Are you sure about this? And, where does it go in?"
     "There's... a little hole, back there," I murmur. "Umm... let me just-"
     "Oh, I see it." Hank pulls back a little.
     "I'm sure about this. Please, I want to do this with you. I may never get the chance to do it again." I look back at him.
     Hank wraps his arms around my torso and pulls me towards him. "Nonsense. Don't talk like that."
     "I'm only voicing my concerns..." I murmur. I can feel Hank pressing up on me.
     "That's fine, but you're concerned for no reason. You'll be fine, Connor. Now, hush. Just, relax." Hank leans down and kisses my back.
     "Ok. I will." I take deep breaths. "I can make it as wide as you need it to be so it doesn't hurt when it goes in. I can tighten it to however tight you prefer."
     "Do that."
     I comply.
     He slides inside easily before I clamp down on him. I make myself tight enough so that he can feel me around him, but loose enough that his thrusts can be smooth and easy. "Are you ready?"
     "Yes," I reply with confidence.
     He gently pulls himself in and out. I can feel him inside of me, and I moan loudly. He keeps his arms wrapped around me in the cramped space. Desperate, quick breaths escape me. I writhe in pleasure. "Are you sure, you're ok?"
     "Yes, I'm fine. It doesn't hurt! It feels really good, Hank. Don't mind me. I move when I feel good. I can't keep still," I explain guiltily.
     Hank laughs against my ear. "That's too cute, Connor." His thrusts become violent, reaching a jackhammering pace. "This good?" he huffs.
     "Y-Ye-ss!" I cry. With every thrust, the air gets knocked from me. I brace myself against the wall, and he keeps going.
     Is this what Conan felt? No wonder why he likes Gavin so much. This is amazing.
     "Fuck, Connor. You're so tight," he groans. Hank sounds like he's really enjoying this, and I couldn't be happier.
     "I-I can get t-tighter."
     "Shit. Do that. Please," he requests.
     I tighten as much as I can.
     "Fuuuuck," he groans. "God, every move just sends shivers right through me. This is such a tight squeeze."
     "A-Ahh~!" I moan. "Haaaank! Don't stop!" It feels so good having him pound me like this. "Please!"
     "I'm gonna cum," he whispers. "Shit..." His hands dig into my chest as he spoons me. I reach up and grab his hands in mine. "I love you."
     "I love you, too!" I cry. This is so intense. Too intense. It doesn't hurt, but it just feels so hard. Having him spearing me like this is making me ache. "Please, cum in me!"
     He pushes himself to go faster. I can feel him barely getting all the way in before he's going out again.
    He shudders as he reaches his climax. I can feel his cum spilling inside, filling me full. I pant heavily, sucking in air as I come down from my high.
     "Are... you ok?" he pants.
     "Yes." I nod. He pulls out, and I close myself up. I can still feel his cum, and I'll feel it for a few days until my body naturally dissolves it. I wiggle around until I'm facing Hank, and he pulls my face close to his. He doesn't kiss me like I expect him to. He presses his forehead to mine.
     "Connor," he whispers.
     "Yes?" I smile warmly.
     "Thank you."
     "For what?"
     "For giving me a reason to live."
     "Oh..." I grin happily. "You're welcome, Hank!"
     He chuckles. His arms are still wrapped around me. "I seriously love you, Connor. I want to help you. I'll do anything you need me to do. I just wanna make sure CyberLife doesn't hurt you."
     "I love you, too, Hank. I do." I look away. "I don't know what to do about CyberLife."
     "We'll figure it out. For now..." He gets out of the shower. He starts drying himself off. "Let's go see what Gavin wants." Once he's dry, he puts his clothes on.
     I raise my arms, ready for him to pick me up. He reaches down and picks me up, holding my wet body in his arms. We leave the bathroom. I cuddle into his chest. I just want to be intimate with Hank.
     "Did you have fun?" Gavin asks with a smirk.
     "Shove it, Reed." He takes me to the pool.
     Corvin is swimming near one end. With one powerful stroke, he blasts himself over to the other end. "It's too small!" he complains, poking his head above the surface. "Look!" Corvin stretches himself out. He almost reaches the other end. He's more than halfway there.
"If you're gonna be ungrateful, you can always leave," Hank mutters.
"I'm not being ungrateful!" Corvin protests. "I'm just informing you that I'm three fourths the size of your 20 foot pool. And... it's a little cramped."
"I'm sorry, I don't have the ocean in my backyard." Hank hoists me up and throws me into the pool.
I swim around the water. "And, you have legs, anyway! You don't even need the pool!" I add.
"You're right, but walking is awkward and tiring. Swimming is so much more graceful. My tail is longer and more powerful than my legs. I can go faster while I'm swimming. Plus, I just figured out that I have legs, and I'm still awkward on them." He crosses his arms over his broad chest.
"Well, at least, you can walk," I mutter. I float over to the edge of the pool, where Hank sits with his feet dipped into the cool liquid. I rub up on his legs, staring up at him with warm eyes.
"I miss Conrad..." Corvin murmurs. "I always knew he was a spy, but I didn't-"
"Wait, wait!" I twist around at his revelation. "So, you're saying that you knew he was a spy, but you still put us both in danger?! And, you're mad at Conan for being a spy. You hate Conan, but you love Conrad?! They're both spies!!"
"I know, but, I-!"
"But, nothing! You're a hypocrite!" I accuse.
"I don't want to be alone! I was scared to lose him!" Corvin explains.
"Oh, but, you don't care about Conan?"
"Will you just listen to me?!" Corvin begs.
I fall silent.
"Conan used to be able to talk. He didn't used to be a spy," Corvin begins. He hugs himself. "Me, Conrad, and Caz, we reigned hell on CyberLife. We used to fuck with them so bad. Conrad, in particular, was horrible. He would splash the employees that walked past, to the point where no one would walk past our tank, anymore. We were fed Thirium supplements. As long as they gave Conrad extras, they were spared from him. He encouraged me to break the tanks since I was the only one that could do it. And, I did it. And, Conrad never took the blame. They got so angry." He shakes his head, forcing himself to relive memories he'd rather forget. "They used to beat Conrad, but he just murdered them in return. He killed so many people. No one could punish him and make him actually learn a lesson. He was wild. But, like us, he just wanted to be free." Corvin meets my gaze. Tears glisten into his eyes.
"Just like Conan and I..." I murmur. We've always wanted to be free, but we never knew how.
Corvin nods. "Exactly. He did something really bad, something that changed the way I look at him..." Corvin trails away.
I watch him churn the water. "What did he do?" I prompt him gently.
"He... CyberLife's current CEO had a wife. They're divorced, and that's Conrad's fault." He swallows. "She was taking a tour of CyberLife. When they brought her to our tank, Conrad got an idea. A really bad idea. Caz and I begged him not to, but he wouldn't listen. He flirted with her, seduced her, made her.. feel something for him. None of us knows how he did it, but he did. She came back at night, and they... well, we watched Conrad fuck her. He recorded the whole thing and sent it to CyberLife's CEO. And, he was so smug about it, but the CEO was pissed." Corvin rubs at his eyes. My stomach twists in pity. He's crying. "He.. the CEO, he... took Conrad away. Caz and I hadn't seen him for a whole week. We were beginning to think that we'd never see him again. When he came back, he was different. He couldn't talk. They took out his dick. Just removed the whole thing. And, they made him a spy. They broke him. At first, he wouldn't respond to any of us. Wouldn't even look at us. He just stayed in a corner, bunched up as small as possible. Things got hectic when Caz fell in love with the CEO's daughter."
"Is that why you guys were sent down here?" I ask.
He nods. "Not because of Conrad, but because of Caz. They were really in love. They were. It wasn't the same as what Conrad did. It was actual, real love. When he found out, he was really not happy. He was going to ruin Caz like he ruined Conrad, but she begged him not to. She begged him to just send us away, if anything. So, that's what he did. Sent us away."
"I'm not done!" he cuts in. "Ever since they broke Conrad, he became clingy, scared, and skittish. He clung to me like I was the only thing that could protect him. And, in a way, I was. I was in love with Conrad from the start. I pined after him, swooned for him, did everything to get his attention. But, he didn't care. When he fucked her, something in me broke. I was so... heartbroken. I knew that Conrad only did it out of spite, and he didn't actually like or want her, but still. I wanted to be her. I wished I was her so bad." He sighs in frustration. "Then, when he was weak and vulnerable, he went straight to me for protection! He never gave two shits about me until he lost everything! But, I'm too dependent on him to let him go, to tell him that our love is fake. But, he knows it just as much as I do. Neither of us really loves the other. We're just too dependent to lose each other. That's why I fought so fiercely to have him near. I love him, but only in the way that I don't want to be alone. I love him as much as I have to to keep him around. I talk about him fondly, but I'm crying inside, because I'm a fucking liar."
"That's why you let him go so easily. Cause, you had me to cling to. You wouldn't have been alone as long as you had me. You were glad to let him go. Happy to do it. You never cared." I push myself closer to Hank. "You are a liar."
"I know. I am. Conrad and I are only together because we want someone to depend upon, someone to take our pain away. As soon as Conrad did what he did, my feelings just... disappeared. I was disgusted at the fact that that was the man I had fallen in love with. That was the man I had broken countless tanks for. That was the man I had wanted so bad. And, he never wanted me." Corvin sinks underwater, holding himself below the surface.
I sink down with him. Hank joins us. "I'm... sorry." I swim over and hug him. "I didn't realize it was like that."
"You're right. I only let him go because I had you. I didn't lie about what I said, at first, but I didn't give you the whole reason, then." He caves in on himself.
Gavin dips into the pool. "That... must be painful."
"What about Conan? What was he like? I didn't really know him...." Corvin asks, changing the subject.
"Conan?" I sigh softly. "Conan was the best brother I could ever ask for. He's the best friend I've ever had. He must've known that he was a spy, but... I didn't know until everyone else found out. Then again, there was no need to tell me. We lived a simple life. I spent my days lounging in the sun, looking for fun shells I could show him, watching and counting fish, documenting the ones I saw, and racing with Conan. We raced, a lot. He'd always win. He taught me everything. To me, he was an endless cyclopedia I could read from whenever I was curious. We spent every second together. It was good."
"It must've been good. Sounds better than the life I had. Better than the life any of us had." Corvin draws away from us. "We need to find out what we're going to do. CyberLife will find us, eventually. They're looking for us."
"You think?" Gavin mutters.
"How'd you get out?" Corvin asks. "Why didn't they kill you?"
"Because, as soon as I mysteriously disappeared, an investigation would be launched. And, guess who'd be the prime suspect? CyberLife. Fowler knows how sketchy they are. He'd immediately suspect them. And, CyberLife doesn't want a massive fucking lawsuit against their asses," Gavin explains. "They had no choice but to let me go."
"Wait... Androids are free, right?" Corvin asks.
"Yes," Hank and Gavin reply.
"That means I'm free. CyberLife can't do anything to me. I can just walk forever and be a normal Android." Corvin grins. "I'm free!"
"By default, yes. But..." Hank looks at me.
Corvin and Gavin stare at me, too.
"You're free, Corvin, but what about him?" Gavin asks.
Corvin shrugs. "No idea."
"He's technically an Android, too. He was just made differently. He has equal rights," Hank argues.
"True. But, how do we-?"
Corvin cuts in. "Let's give them a massive lawsuit! They can't ignore us if we fight them!"
Gavin and Hank give each other a look. "Sure..."
I hug Hank. "Don't let them take me," I beg.
"I won't. I promise, they'll never get you."

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