4^ I Love You, Hank

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Conan lifts his head from where he lays on Gavin's chest. They had fucked each other hard, last night, pushing each other to their limits. Conan sighs in pleasure. It had been good. Very good. It had felt amazing. Every inch of him had buzzed with lust and pleasure, every sensor in his body had been utterly overloaded. He had fallen in love with this human.
Gavin groans, drawing Conan's attention. His eyes fly open, and he sits up, making Conan slide down his chest. "Oh," he says. "I forgot I was here." He looks down, dragging his fingers through Conan's hair. "Good morning, baby," he whispers.
Conan whines his pleasure. He feels stupid like this, but it makes him feel good. "Good morning, Gav," he whispers back.
Conan floats away from Gavin. "I have to check on Connor. Make sure he's ok." He flicks his tail, bringing himself to the door. He makes his way to Connor's room, which is across from his. Gently, he knocks on the door, but it creaks open. Conan stares at it. Connor never leaves his door open, even if he's not in the room. "Connor?" He swims inside only to find nothing and no one. Connor's not here. "Connor?!"
"Is something wrong?" Gavin floats in Conan's doorway.
Conan whips around and grabs the human. "Connor's not here! I always wake up before him! I always wake him up! Always!" Conan insists fearfully. His Thirium pump beats away in his chest.
"Relax, Conan. We'll find him," Gavin reassures him, smiling.
But, it does little to calm Conan down. "No." He floats down the hallway, pondering. "A few days ago, before the CyberLife swimmers took away my clone, I probed its memory. It interacted with Connor, talked to him." Conan turns to Gavin. "Connor mentioned someone named Hank. He's been seeing a human! I was going to say something, but I didn't know how to bring it up without him getting all flustered and panicked! And, he must've went to meet with that human last night. He must've been kidnapped or something! Goddammit! I hate humans!!" Conan shouts. "Besides... you."
"Hank? I know someone named Hank," Gavin murmurs.
"Could it be the same Hank?" Conan asks.
Gavin shrugs. "I don't know. Could be."
A sudden splash catches Conan's attention. He grabs his spear, frowning. "The last thing I needed was sharks today," he grumbles.
"Sharks?" Gavin frowns.
"Yes." Conan sighs. "It's usually a few strays. Nothing too serious. I'll deal with this. You stay inside." He throws the door open, cautiously peeking outside.
What he sees is no ordinary shark.
"Fuck you, CyberLife! I'll shove my ten inch cock in all your asses!" the shark curses. This shark is half human.
Just like Conan.
There are two more of them, both smaller than the one that swears at CyberLife.
"This is useless, Corvin!" The smallest one pouts.
The middle one turns around and meets Conan's gaze. He recognizes that gaze, because it's his. He's another Mermandroid. What is CyberLife doing? He takes who Conan assumes to be Corvin's arm.
"What?" He looks down, then turns to look at Conan. "For fuck's sake."
"Wh-What do you want?!" Conan shouts, bracing his spear in his hands. Not that it could do much, but he feels better having it.
Corvin flicks his huge, powerful tail and pulls the middle one into his arms. The smaller one churns his tail to catch up. "Hey there, small fry," Corvin greets Conan in his deep, powerful voice.
"Small fry...?" Conan backs away. "I'm not 'small fry.' I just want an explanation."
"Well, I'd like an explanation, too." Corvin smirks. "But, I'm Corvin. This here is my lovely partner, Conrad. He doesn't talk. Like, at all. He's mute, and he's mine, and I'll murder anyone that touches him." Corvin kisses Conrad. Conrad's face remains passive despite the obvious show of affection. "And this..." Corvin looks over at the other one. "Well, this is my friend, Caz. He's feisty."
"Shut it, Corvin," Caz mutters.
"I'm... Conan. This is my... uhh..." Conan looks over at Gavin.
Gavin takes the situation into his own hands. "Boyfriend. I'm Gavin."
"That's adorable! Look, it's two tiny guys being together! Look, Conrad!" Corvin laughs.
Conrad gives him an unamused look.
"I promise, he's not always such a stick in the mud," Corvin mutters. "He's just upset, cause CyberLife dumped us here. We were chilling in our tank, and they just scooped us up and dropped us here." Corvin rolls his eyes. "But... Ya know, that's CyberLife."
Conrad's scowl deepens.
"What's wrong, baby?" Corvin gently murmurs.
Conrad silently grips Corvin's broad shoulders and presses himself against him. Corvin wraps his long tail around Conrad, protecting the smaller.
"He's stressed," Corvin mumbles. "He'll be fine."
"This is... great. But.. what are you?" Conan asks.
"Well, we're you, but we're better. I'm the SK1000, Conrad, here, is the SK900, and Caz is the SK800. Its evolution! But, we're just based off of sharks. We're stronger than little Mermandroids, like you."
Conan sighs. "That's... lovely."
"We still have to find Connor," Gavin points out.
"I-I know," Conan mutters. "I hope he's ok..."

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