Pizza, Popcorn, and...

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"Oh my god!" Lauren's jaw dropped and she just barely caught her phone before it slid its way off the table. "So you do actually have a ghost then!"

Scott grinned and plopped down in the chair next to her. "You thought I was making it up?"

She raised an eyebrow. "Uh, yeah. Literally why would we believe you?"

He shrugged. "Oh I don't know, Maybe because you loooove me?"

She sighed. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. Are you ordering or am I?"

"I can, but you're opening the door, then."


Whoever said you'd be best friends with your siblings when you were grown up was wrong. Sure, they could be friendly, but there were still grudges held against who pushed who off what swing, or who ate who's last piece of birthday cake four years in a row.

In his defense, no one ever said the last piece belongs to the birthday kid, only the first piece. And it totally wasn't fair because Lindsay ate his for two years, but he wasn't still mad about that.

Once pizza was acquired, Ant Man was turned on and movie night began. Scott was just about to bite into a mozzarella stick (yes Lauren, he knows they're bad for him, but they're mozzarella sticks) slathered in marinara sauce when a blob of said sauce went flying off and onto Lauren's arm, just missing her shirt by a few inches.

Scott handed her a napkin while berating the air. "Charles, I swear I'm going to find a way to get back at you for all these messes someday."

Apparently, Charles seemed to have an issue today though, because just as Lauren was about to take a bite of a piece of pizza, the slice was flipped out of her hand and onto her shirt.

"No!" She jumped and grabbed the pizza quickly, but it was too late. The shirt had been stained, and so Scott, with a glare at the general airspace, offered one of his own shirts so she could have a clean one.

He ran to go grab one, and froze in his tracks when he got back to the living room, t-shirt dangling from an open fist.

"What the fuck."

Lauren was standing apologetically in the middle of the room, pizza sauce still on her shirt unsurprisingly, but surprisingly, it was also on the TV. And her iced tea was spilled all over the table, with a bunch of napkins doing their best to soak up the mess. And the remaining napkins were fluttering down from the ceiling. And, when Scott took a hesitant step into the room, he saw the missing pizza box flipped upside down on the floor next to the TV.

And the room was suspiciously cold.

"Charles. What. The. Fuck."

"He tried to steal the pizza box."

Scott looked down at the box by her feet. "Uh, yeah. Okay."

"Sorry?" she offered.

Scott glared at the air. "Thanks, but I have the feeling that this isn't your fault."

While Lauren grabbed the sinking napkins and started wiping off the TV screen, Scott set the spare shirt on his untouched chair and grumbled, "I know you like to prank people, but this is just mean, Charles. Really? Tug-of-war with the pizza box? Really? You gotta be nice so the rest of the family can visit too. What kind of uncle would I be if I couldn't ever have any of the kids over 'cause my mean ghost scared away my sister?" The air got noticeably warmer at that. "Thank you."

Lauren laughed. "This is so weird."

Scott shrugged. "You get used to it."

The movie had to be rewinded once the room was cleaned up, but there were no further pranks the rest of the night, thankfully.

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