Tony blushed even more but continued to follow him, "I hate it when you do that." He whined and then smacked the man's arm playfully when he heard him laugh. "I don't know what you're talking about... I'm not jealous at all, not one bit." He shook his head, trying to sound believable but he knew the man could tell he was lying.

Bucky moved them to a line for food when he brought the man in front of him. He snaked his arms around his waist and buried his face in the man's jaw, "I love you Tony."

Tony blushed some more and groaned, "I love you too Bucky, now stop it because it's almost our turn."

Bucky laughed and moved with the man when it was their turn to order food. He wrapped an arm around his shoulder, hugging him closely, and got up to the person.

The girl smiled kindly at them and then squealed, making both men jump slightly from the unexpected noise and become incredibly confused. She held a finger at them as she called her friend over. When her friend came over, they both squealed and giggled, which confused the two even more. "I'm so sorry!!" She then started to realize how this looked and apologized, "it's just... you guys look SO! cute together!!" At that comment, Bucky smiled proudly while Tony blushed and looked down, making the girls squeal again, "I ship it!!" She pulled out her phone and looked at them, "do you mind? My friend would also find you guys adorable?" Bucky laughed while Tony blushed, but both nodded their heads. She made an excited noise and got a photo of them. When the girls finally calmed down, the original girl shooed her friend away, "alright!... Sorry about that! I just have some guy friends that are very insecure about themselves being gay and if they saw you two, I know for a fact they would forget about all of their insecurities and be more open about themselves!" Both smiled at that and she did a little jump, "okay! Sorry about that, again! You two really are super cute together!" She squealed again and flailed around from the excitement. She composed herself and gave them a fascinated look when she suddenly realized how that looked too, "sorry, you two are just too cute for me to handle!... Anyway! What can I get for you two?"

Bucky laughed and looked at the menu, "what would you recommend?"

The girl perked up at the question and started to think, "well, honestly, I would recommend a milkshake but not any of the food." She turned her head inside the vendor booth and looked both ways. She leaned closer to them and placed a hand to cover one side of her mouth, "between us... the food here ain't that great," she laughed when she heard them laugh at that too. She took her hand away and straightened herself out, "but the milkshakes are delicious!"

Tony perked up and shoved Bucky away from the counter, making the man let out a breath of air and the girl to chuckle, "milkshake!"

Bucky rolled his eyes fondly at him and then moved so he was behind him, "alright, guess a milkshake for him and... I don't know... a soda."

The girl laughed at their little antics and looked at Bucky when she composed herself, "what kind of soda would you like?"

"Surprise me." Bucky shrugged his shoulders and smiled.

The girl went to go make their milkshake when she realized she never got what kind Tony wants, "oh! I forgot, what kind of milkshake do you want?"

Tony pondered this, "what's your favorite?"

"My favorite is the strawberry banana mix." She gave him a kind smile.

Tony nodded his head in conformation, "alright then... that one it is."

She smiled and left to go make them while the other girl came up, "you two really are very cute together!" This girl was also very polite to them. Bucky beamed at the compliment while Tony blushed again. She then looked at them, really looked at them, and thought, "do I know you from somewhere?" She pointed between the two of them and tilted her head.

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