chapter 26

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They got to the carnival and Tony raced out while Bucky was trying to keep up with him. Luckily, Tony was too busy looking around so he didn't notice Bucky paid for both of their wristbands. Bucky rolled his eyes fondly at his hyperactive boyfriend and dragged him "inside" to the actual carnival.

"Bucky! We should go over there!" Tony was tugging on his arm and pointing at a booth. The man obviously wanted to play the game so Bucky followed him.

They got there and Tony was about to ask the person working the stand what the game was when he noticed something. She was looking at Bucky... in a very flirtatious and needy way. Tony growled and grabbed the man's hand, starting to drag him away slightly.

"I thought you wanted to play the game, doll?" Bucky was very confused when Tony started to drag them away. He heard the girl gasp and when he turned to look at her, the girl's face was bright red and she was shuffling on her feet awkwardly. "Where are we going now, love?"

Tony smirked as he decided to go back to the game. It widened when he called him that nickname and the girl started to fidget around even more. He gave her a smug look, "hello."

She shifted awkwardly and shot her head up to look at Tony. She smiled softly at him, "hello, is it your first time here?"

Tony's smug look fell when he heard how nice she was. He turned it into a gentle smile and nodded his head, "yup! What is this game exactly?"

The girl nodded her head and turned to explain, "well... to be honest, it's either very easy or incredibly difficult to win."

Both of them rose a brow at that, "how could it possibly be like that?" Bucky was very confused.

The girl chuckled and smiled softly at him, "depending on the person that is... if the person playing is athletically gifted then it would probably be easier for them, if they aren't as advanced in that area then it would be more difficult for them. It varies on their mind as well. Some athletes are very intelligent but to a certain degree of things. Others have the brain and the brawn to get an understanding of the game after the first two tries."

Tony nodded his head along to her, "so... what exactly do you do in the game?"

She chuckled, "sorry, I never actually explained." Tony gave her a warm smile and she blushed slightly. After she explained the game to them, Tony was very skeptical about it while Bucky really didn't want to play it.

"I don't know... why would they make this game for a carnival? It should be in like a museum for some gifted people." Tony complained, still not sure if he wanted to play.

Both the girl and Bucky laughed at that comment making Tony smile.

The girl gestured to the game, "this game isn't that popular because of how "technical" it is... you don't have to play it. Go and play others and if you want to come back, well, I'm here until we close."

Bucky chuckled while Tony smiled at her, "okay... thank you!" He waved at her and grabbed Bucky's hand, dragging him to another game that looked pretty interesting.

Bucky made a surprised noise at Tony's antics but soon started to walk in step with the man. He turned to him and smirked, "you jealous, doll?"

Tony instantly stopped walking and blushed, "what makes you think that?"

Bucky let out a breathy laugh as he started to walk, now he was the one dragging Tony. "Because... the minute you looked at her, I heard the little growl you made. You were also glaring daggers at her when you saw her... plus, I heard your heartbeat." Bucky shrugged his shoulders and Tony groaned.

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