Once And For All...

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Dominator then attempted to try and blast the ships instead. The ships tried to dodge but they couldn't keep doing that for long. The humans also huddled around to think of a plan. All of a sudden, a few got an idea.

"Why don't we just stay in this ship until Dominator dies or something." said one of them lazily. The people in Hater's ship gave him a tired look, an "Are you serious?" kind of look. He then chuckled softly to himself and cleared his throat out of embarrassment and looked down." Yup, not a good idea, heh."

The other one's eyes lit up. 

"My father used to be a soldier. He was quite good at his job and got his army into dangerous situations. what I learned from him is that people have to stick together. So maybe if all the other ships can try and use maximum power onto Dominator's ship, we'll be able to blast it into smithereens. Especially destroying her." she said raising her one of her fists into the air. The others looked at each other out of spite and nodded, mumbling agreements with one another.

Wander slightly frowned at the idea of destroying Dominator. He didn't wanna kill anyone but then again, hurting innocent others and destroying many galaxies and planets wasn't at all a good idea. He surprisingly deemed this necessary and sadly nodded in agreement. He was gonna miss the fact Sylvia hung out with her once (accidentally) and the attempt at giving her a fruit basket. 

Peepers was also with them, discussing and nodded sternly. He then decided to call the other villainous ship captains and tell them the plan. They all said the same thing, they agreed. All they needed was to use their maximum power and aim at Dominator's ship. They all readied their weapos. They weren't sure if this was gonna work but they needed to try. 

"3..2..1.." counted down Peepers.

"FIREEEEEEE!!!!!" shouted everyone on each ship. Dominator looked back and tried to protect herself from the force field she had installed.

But it wasn't any good. How were they able to do this? Probably because ever since her previous ship was destroyed they've updated their weapons in case something like this happened again. 

The force field wasn't upgraded enough unfortunately and caused the ship to blow up. Nothing else was left except for the remains but then, they were also burned because of the immense heat.  Wander watched in pure horror and disbelief. Dominator was bad but then again, he felt extremely bad. Not even Dominator was there... just ashes...

Everyone started to cheer as the ships slowly made their way back to Earth. Wander sat on top of a bench and sighed. He absolutely dreaded seeing such a thing. Sylvia came up to him while dancing.

"Isn't this great! Everyone's safe! We did it Wander, finally!" she said, jumping up and down. Wander sighed and looked down at the ground. Sylvia stopped dancing and looked at him worriedly. She led him near the window, over-looking the galaxy's glorious planets and smiled.

"I miss that one time we hung out. That sure was fun at the start. But buddy she's a hardcore villain, I'll tell you that. And only justice will being peace." she said. Wander still looked at the ground, a shadow looming over his face. Sylvia stroked his fur and Wander smiled.

"Say why don't we live on Earth! The people there are so friendly!" said Wander, jumping from his seat and walking around the ship. 

Wander and Sylvia smiled while facing each other and started cheering with the others...

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